Everything on my screen just looks tiny i dont know how to make everything bigger?
I was wondering the same, but it seems like you can’t. The chat box input, and frames in general are very very small while the minimap for example is massive. Weird oversight.
Search in the options for “scale.” You’ll see the UI scale options.
This works only to an extent. If you use this, the action bar and its buttons become massively oversized.
Isn’t there a “ui scale” slider under accessibility options? I have been using elvui for such a long time I forget… But I’m pretty sure you at least can globally change the size of all of the ui and even cursor size there
I’m not sure you can resize the bag bar or the…idk the name where it has your character, group finder, talents, etc.
Ah, that’s right. We can’t size them down, because Blizz. Sorry, I’m so used to Dominos. >.<
You can tweak and tune some things individually though. For example, in edit mode, if you click on the party frames, there is a scale option which will allow you to make them bigger or smaller. Same deal with raid and arena frames. I agree with other people mentioning those seem far too small. They do.
If you type in “UI Scale” in the search window it will pop up.