How do you enchant heirlooms?

Title says it all, and these would then go to the lowbies I’m working on leveling.

The items are considered level 1, no matter the level of your character. So basically, most vanilla enchants will work, but enchants that require a specific item level or required level to use cannot be used on Heirloom gear.

Another thing to note now that the heirloom tab exists, is that you are enchanting a specific piece of gear. So if you want that enchanted piece on another character, you will have to mail that copy of it. You can’t use the heirloom tab to create a new one and have the enchant be “remembered” on it.

You enchant them the same as any other item. I don’t understand the question. What is the difficulty?

Generally you can only put lower-level enchants on them from vanilla wow, not TBC or Wrath enchants. Was that your question?

I gotcha. I was thinking the item level went with the character level and since they were account specific I may be able to create it on a level 80, enchant it with a fat enchant, mail it to a low level.

But if they’re level one and vanilla enchants, f it I’ll leave them alone and just roll with what I got.

You can only use vanilla enchants except for shoulders which will have a effective level after which the enchant goes live.

For chest you can have 4stats, 3 stats, or 100hp. I like 100hp for lower levels.

For weaspon you can go crusader for melee, 15/25agi for hunters, and healing power for casters but you need to ask for mc enchant. For the purpose of leveling you can get a boot from ab at 28 which has an auto speed buff or get a level 1 boot enchanted with movement speed.

Most slots have to use old classic enchants. You didn’t say what class you’re gearing for.

Warrior: 18 STA/shoulder, 100HP/chest, crusader to any weapon, +2 scope if you want ranged.
Caster: Trade HP for mana on the chest. Weapon can slot 30 SP or SPI.
Note that you don’t need to juggle 2 armor types for a class that trains heavier armor at 40. The game allows you to equip the heavier armor before actually training for it (plate on warrior 1-39). It’ll simply downgrade the armor value until you train up.

Prot warrior and resto shaman are the two I’m considering leveling.

I went fiery weapon for my low lvl warrior, procced basically every other mob and was one shotting lol

Keep the copy of the heirloom you want to enchant and mail it to your characters like any other item


That was what I was thinking. Enchant it with some cool stuff at 80, mail it to my low level. Just wanted some confirmation that it worked like that.

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Nope. Won’t work :slight_smile: Item level still 1.

Any enchant that says “Requires Item level of X” cannot be applied. Like others have said, pretty much only Vanilla chants will work.

Three popular enchants for the Chest include:

Enchant Chest - Major Mana - gives +100 mana
Enchant Chest - Major Health - gives +100 health
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats - gives +4 to all stats

There are lot more choices with weapon enchants –
Enchant Weapon - Crusader and Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon are popular for melee

But casters may prefer something like -
Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect,
Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spirit
Enchant Weapon - Healing Power
Enchant Weapon - Spellpower


do crusader on weapon, it heals your whole health bar at low levels & gives 100 strength, basically one shotting mobs

Thank you /10

Yeah think before looms back in tbc had a waepon with fire enchant, boots with 8% speed, and gloves with 15agi. Was pretty crazy. You can also get 15agi gloves now but saw less of that though if they did tbc era seeing such diy looms was kind of funny.


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