How do you emote?

How do you emote your character actions?

Do you use /me
Or do you you use a fancy Addon?

Me? I do this… :: ::'s means in Character Action. But that’s old school.

For example;

::Walks into the Inn and takes a seat nearby the door.:: “Aye… Greetings!”

Also, for those using TRP’s, how do you get the font switch color in mid sentence?


Hiya Nightysword!! :blush:

So… with TRP, to convey action you need to put * before and after your action. Then type normally for what you are saying, then, if you need to address a situation Out of Character, use ( and ) between your message. These will automatically change the font color in accordance with the mark used.

Example: * Yveti trots in with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face * Oh My Gosh! Hiya Mr. New Guy! Welcome Welcome! the bubbly Dreanei smiles brightly at the gentleman (be warned, Yveti is a little ditzy, so she may get phrases confused, but it’s all in good fun!)

Hope that help! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

EDIT: No space between the * and your action. had to put the space in on the forum, otherwise it just shows the type as italics. Sorry for any confusions there.


Thank you so much for your feedback!

I tried your suggestion and it worked perfectly! Maybe now people won’t look at me cross eyed when I attempt to roleplay. But, how do I get rid of the *'s I see others without it?

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The other option is the /e command.

If you’re just doing an action, you put it after /e:

/e smiles.

To add saying something, put the spoken part in quotes:

/e smiles. “Hey, this is easy!”

You can even switch back and forth between action and speech:

/e smiles. “Hey, this is easy!” He shakes his head in wonderment. “I should’ve tried this before.”


I usually start my emotes with /me and then write the beginning, put in any said words in double quotes, and end with more emote, which will automatically continue after the ending double quote.

VERY occasionally however I find myself wishing to emote after I already started something in /s in my quote marks. In which case the emote is in between asterisks before I go back to dialogue.


Perfect! It worked. Thank you all for your feedback!

Hmmm, just make sure there is no space between the * and the start of your emote: *she looks, questioningly… but also be sure and end the emote with another * without space as well! Maybe that was the issue??.. shrugs

Also, another handy tip, you can use %T when addressing a particular person you are targeting and it will type out their name automatically when you post. Helpful for those with long names, but downside, it will type their WoW name, not their TRP name if it is different.


I use /me then put anything said in quotes.


This is great, I was struggling with this as well.

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I use /e and put stuff said in quotes. Before speaking though I always explain how I am speaking. For example if I am asking a question I put

/emote inquires, “Where have you been lately?” it puts the ‘character name inquires’ in orange text, and the spoken text in white colored text.

Sometimes I include facial reactions in these descriptions as well such as

/emote inquires with his facial fur arching near his browline to show a curious expression, “Where have you been?”

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Oooo Ooo Oooo… had a thought! Super important!!.. Once you get comfy with your RP typings, you may get a little “wordy” in your expressions, so be sure to get an Emote-Splitter Ad-on! There is a built in character limit per post in game, but a splitter will allow you to essentially “SPLIT” your emote/message/reply and post it in multiple game posts. (you gotta hit enter, it posts max limit, you hit enter again and it continues with your post where it split it!.. but ya gotta remember to hit enter twice! :blush:)


I read your mind! Thank you for all the helps!

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Another awesome topic! Thank you for posting!

Lots of good info here!

On a slightly different note that still ties in with this thread. I came back after a hiatus brought on about half way through BFA.

I see threads like this and the dungeon one and just don’t get how people can think MG is “unfriendly”. I mean every realm has its good and not so good.

Looking forward to crossing paths with y’all!

Great stuff here!

:v: :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve always used /me. Didn’t even know TRP had its own emote command!

The only difference to me is the color coding. If you use TRP everything you say in " "'s is in White, but if you don’t it’s in orange. Not much difference tbch

I’d rather use the old school :: ::'s.