How do you deal with…

Ferals? Destro buddy and I are closing in on 1800 and we’re finding ferals hilariously difficult. They come in and instantly gib 50% of our health, run away, heal to full, come back and do it over.
When we do catch them (sp/destro), we pump everything we have in them and their healthbar just doesn’t move.
We are pretty crummy geared (I’m 234, he’s 210 and without a legendary), but we have erased every class at some point, but have run in to numerous ridiculous ferals that we can’t seem to touch.
I’m rambling now, so I ask: what’s your strat to deal with ferals in general?

Gear issue as your ilvl is low and your friends is abysmal which is hard for any double DPS comp that relies on burst.

You need to kill the feral in a stunlock otherwise he will just pop bear form and run. As shadow/lock you’ll be able to kill him in a horror pretty much when geared and don’t waste stun if he’s in bear form, wait till he goes cat.

Psyfiend and malediction trinket help a ton vs hybrids.

Keep queueing, it would be my honor to farm you. But fr your only hope is to chaos bolt me to death, ferals are particularly good at dealing with dot dmg.

Can’t beat them if equally geared and skilled if they are necro especially.

Just try to cc them and kill their partners!

Now that we’re better geared, we’ve been getting some wins, by doing this exactly.

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Gear level makes a big difference unfortunately, it’s probably more important than skill these days.

Gear was always important, but I much prefer the concept of an even playin field and skill trumping gear.