How do you apply for Beta?

Is it confirmed that anyone can access beta or pay for it like Classic Demo or do you need to sign up somewhere? I have to be a part of the beta. I must be allowed to play wow on beta launch or the only option is seppuku.

Step 1: Go to the top right of this forum page and click your username.
Step 2: Go to account settings
Step 3: Go to the left side of the screen, press Games and Subscriptions.
Step 4: Scroll down to “Beta Access”.
Step 5: Click the Beta Profile
Step 6: Click the games you wish to beta test.


I did this already but I must be a part of wow classic beta or Seppuku is my only option.

send everyone at Blizzard cookies or something, that could work.

420 cookies?

hey they are coders, that could work, isn’t weed legal in CA now?

It’s been defacto legal for a long time. Even before it was officially legalized it’s been unenforced here for a long time.

A bit dramatic, but if missing the Beta is that severe of a blow to your honor, who am I to didctate how you live your life.
Make sure that blade is properly sharpened and dont forget to appoint your kaishakunin.

All in jest, take care friend.
See you in Classic.