How do we STILL not have a baseline interrupt

It’s honestly insane.

Blizz, its time.

If Im running a delve and have my voidwalker out, I cant interrupt any spells? How is that reasonable?

It’s not like we are asking for the world here, just an interrupt thats not tied to our pets.


Why are you using a voidwalker?

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To hold aggro?


Your Voidwalker holds aggro?

Are you meleeing or something?


Are you seriously derailing this thread with this conversation?

We need a baseline interrupt. Its time.


You have a baseline interrupt. Either Felhunter interrupt, or Sac Pet interrupt.

What youre asking for is for Interrupt + Voidwalker for some reason.

VW is only good for the Sacrifice bubble, it doesnt hold aggro. Been like this since 04.

Just use Felhunter like a reasonable person

You are asking for something that you already have

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No other class has to rely on the survivability of a pet to have an interrupt available

Hunters have tank pets and a baseline interrupt


You are mistaken though. If you dont want want to worry about keeping your pet alive you can always run pet sac for Felhunter interrupt.

Warlocks dont have pet tanks. Voidwalker hasnt really tanked since 2004 - if you do any semi reasonable amount of damage you are going to pull aggro.

Warlock pets are for utility, not tanking

My Dreadstalker is offended by this statement. He holds aggro like a champ (when I go Demo).

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I disagree with this

My voidwalker hasn’t always been strong and currently is basically average, however, it can make fights easier especially now that warlock survivability isn’t what it used to be

Again, an interrupt should be baseline. All other classes have it. Ours is tied to two specific pets. I disagree with this game design. In raids or dungeons, I can run GoSac. In Delves, I dont have the self healing to survive face tanking.


I would love to have a spell interrupt. I prefer to use the imp because I play Destruction primarily. I’d love for the felhunter to not be mandatory for delves and solo activities.


You have the blood ability to heal your pet if its low. There’s zero reason why you can’t use your Felhunter for it’s interrupt like every other warlock player does.

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You have an interrupt… you just want multiple interrupts… That is like me saying that my spear hand doesn’t count because I am required to be in Melee and I should get a ranged interrupt like all the other ones.

You also have MC, Fear, SF baseline plus more stuns and utility depending on spec.

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Reads class abilities
Roles class
complains about class not having having things other classes that they could have rolled.

I knew since 04 about interrupt and yet here i am still playing. its just as silly rolling a druid and complaining about shifting and being in forms


OP made no mention of wanting “multiple” interrupts. The argument is posed against a conditional requirement in the form of type of summon. It’s a reasonable argument. I pose an additional argument: If summon equals succubus or fel hunter, then baseline interrupt is replaced with that summon ability. Additionally, if you choose to use sac void walker, you forego the interrupt in favor of bulwark.

There’s multiple methods of posing the argument in favor of locks having a baseline interrupt that doesn’t diminish or impact any other class, or provide an edge over other classes, but instead provides a QoL to the soloing lock. How does anyone suffer from this? Is this to argue for the sake of argument?

True. It’s not as effective (or seemingly so) as it used to be. Easier just to take the talent and clone a new one. All relative to the spec I suppose.


Youre missing the point Schloof… Voidwalker is out to tank stuff in delves… Cant int with voidwalker out tanking… Get off the warlock forums


No youre missing the point. You have 2 ways of interrupting - Pet Sac ability or Felhunter.

You are asking for something that you already have

They gave warlocks in MoP their own interupt iirc and took it away due to felhunters being an iconic visual of what they were capable of doing with certain pets out. Something something class identity.

Also the insane survivability of
Soulburn + demonic health Stone
Mortal coil
And if you are really in a bind, 2 health pots!

Why do I need a voidwalker to tank?

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