How Do We Say Goodbye?




I’m sure that some of this is satire, and some of this is not. But I’ll bite (ferociously, pun intended).

Let me drive a wedge through this post and separate PvP and PvE, starting with PvP as it will be a shorter response.

I would wager that feral is fine just based on high-level representation. There are a good amount of high rated (top 100) ferals right now. Sure, they don’t out-represent locks, mages, or rogues in 3’s (what does), but they are definitely above “mid pack.” There is little indication that they need help in this area.

I also want to side step by saying, why in the hell are people complaining about the shadowlands SI change? I literally find someone in every other post talking about how “we’re losing SI in shadowlands.” How? It’s going to 1 charge, but we get Barkskin back. A far lower cooldown defensive, that is usable while stunned, that lasts longer. It’s better than SI, and we are getting it in exchange for one charge of it. I literally cannot fathom the outrage about this, I welcome the change beyond measure.


A more glaring issue for sure, and no doubt largely attributed to LOTP leaving baseline/PvE usable. We lost our “thing” that we brought. It was a stupid change, and we can only hope we get it back baseline. Hybrid-ness also has less impact in mythics and raids. Our off healing is existent, but lackluster compared to let’s say a ret paladins. Our lack of utility is the main issue here, and I don’t really think it would take much to correct this fault.

In raid it is kind of the same song and dance. When you bring less than other melee, you’re going to be wanted less. There’s no good reason to have pruned something that made us stand out from the others, again in the form of LOTP. It just needs to be baseline, and there’s really not a good reason it isn’t. Other classes bring a unique niche that only they have, so I don’t see harm in ferals having one.

On a final note, losing hope now is premature. A quick daily glance on mmo or wowhead shows that they are doing massive updates almost weekly (see enhance, warrior, DH). Give it some time, and hedge your concerns until we get closer to launch.


As far as rant posts go, that was actually pretty impressive. I feel kind of how the OP feels (although probably not as dramatic) and I do feel that Feral needs some more “cool things” if only to curb community perception a bit.


It needs a complete rework to curb community perception.

Its too easy to screw up your rotation and pull ~10-15k less than you should. You dont get punished that much on other classes, and you arent even top DPS when you play perfectly, so whats the point?

Work harder, bring no party buffs to the table, and more trouble getting groups than other DPS specs.

Feral is a poor spec, and will remain so without major changes.

(I wish this wasn’t the case, but face the music)


I play Guardian, so I can play Feral if you get my drift…thank BFA PvP gearing.

Having said that I want Feral to be reworked in a big way, it hasn’t really changed, and it lacks actual identity as far as what it does.

Also Bear rimes with Snare…give back our damn snare we had in Legion and bear would be bearable…


You only see one end to your journey. Leaving is all I have to make you understand, you’re not unique anymore. You have to find another way. You used to talk about finishing a life beyond that awful class.

Remember when you played another class? Before all this, before Feral? You were gone for years. For years I waited, hoping that you wouldn’t come back. Every year, I took a holiday. I went to Booty Bay, there’s this café, on the banks of the ocean. Every fine evening, I’d sit there and order a Junglevine Wine. I had this fantasy, that I would look across the tables and I’d see you there, rerolled as a new class, with a wife and maybe a couple of kids. You wouldn’t say anything to me, nor me to you. But we’d both know that you’d made it, you were happy. I never wanted you to come back to Feral. I always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy. And I wanted something more for you than that. I still do.


It’s the whole Shabang really. Just look at our ability sounds. It sounds like I’m bashing something with a dead fish.

It gets me down from the get go. I just default to resto/boomy when I loved cat for fight. There’s no up from there.

I don’t know who makes these depressive changes surely they cant play the spec.

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We’re getting Cyclone back. We’re now getting a CC for free with our Affinity. We traded a charge of Survival Instincts to get Barkskin back, and Blood Talons got reworked. That’s it. The spec is barely changing. If you liked it in BfA, it’s going to be almost exactly the same in Shadowlands. I’m not sure where all these “it’s the end of the spec” dramatics are coming from.

Would I like to see more positive changes for Feral? Absolutely. But I don’t think we’re going to be any worse off in Shadowlands than we were in BfA.

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Monk says hi

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I play a monk, i don’t get punished at all, its very smooth gameplay comparatively speaking.


I think this is the largest issue…The spec has been taken over by people who want a fourth rogue spec and don’t want other roles at the same time

Affinities are garbage. Their current iteration is almost useless compared to the traditional feral utility which was it’s hybridization. Adding other talents in to them doesn’t really give the hybridization back, just switches what talent to pick up for…what is it, swiftmend, typhoon, disorienting roar?

If I wanted to play a rogue, I would…which has at least 2 better spec alternatives than feral usually.

I played feral to play a dps that could do other things…decently-ish. I saved groups all the time in vanilla to BC with off tanking, throwing some heals out there, leaning into which ever roll needed the push.

It’s long been said feral is a wannabe rogue, now feral is a really crappy, wannabe rogue with zero of the benefits it had to trade off for being a crappy rogue

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Do you though?

You dont pvp
You dont raid.
You dont run m+
You dont even have your legendary cloak.

Youre extremely vocal about a spec that you dont play.

Oh I see your profile is viewable now! why the change!?

Strong words coming from someone who only did about 2 tiers as well with their druid.

PVP with azerite has been…meh, I didnt really feel like doing much of anything outside of raid on live

I raided about 2 tiers feral…like you. I got tired of praying for upgrades with jungle fury, then jungle fury WITH wild fleshrending, tired of the effort put in when I could self heal, take more damage, and be overall more impactful to a raid as a DH and worry…less about azerite, less meaning you could perform pretty well with a several different azerite traits vs feral was much more selective.

Haven’t done any M+ this tier, not sure when I last ran one on my druid, would go for weekly/chest and nope out of much more. Though when they added Primal Wrath it was fun to see trash bleed out.

Yea I got that cloak on I think 2 characters? Maybe my DH and Priest? I wasn’t even going to raid this tier I was so sickened by how bad and imbalanced corrupted gear is but as much as I hated this patch’s worth of content I did finish out the tier with my guild if only to knock out H nzoth once.

This patch literally plays like a mobile game, you do your daily task for currency then twice a week you do something for more of the currency over and over, then you use the currency to finally play the “game” of visions to slowly upgrade a necessary item just to be able to use gear IF it was actually good in the first place. I actually canceled and only came back to hop on my rogue a bit as sub looks…promising-ish.

Back to the actual point though, I play Feral about a tier an expac at least as I remember it for what it once was and how it was a versatile spec and will continue to shout to the heavens to get it back to the way it was.


Dont pay much attention to Tical…he loves to provoke, seems like some ocd/personality dissorder. Because it is all he does. Takes things out of context, puts it into wrong contexts and tells you how wrong you are.

He has done this an endless amount of times.


huh? My profile has never once not been viewable.
Not that matters in the slightest since raider io exists.

Regardless, you’ve been absent in the past 2 seasons which have arguably been the best for feral in bfa. Youre crying about issues that plagued us in s1-2. Youre naive to the fact that ferals are quite literally beasts right now.

I correct you when you post incorrect information, which happend quite often. (like regrowth healing for 2% hp? lmfao!)
Still bitter I see.

Well now you are lying. I never said regrowth heals for 2%. But ok.

You need your meds Tical…please log off and get them.


Feral being “good” numbers wise in the last tier of an xpac shouldn’t be the goal and doesn’t prove anything. Preventing the same issues from arising again early in shadowlands should be the goal.

He’s also stated there is a mythical blue post somewhere outlining they are working on feral but is too busy to find it or link it

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its all in thit thread ^

No reason for me to lie.
Just hyperbole from you.

Hybridization isn’t utility.

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I would consider going Bear to off Tank effectively-ish (as in taking more than 2 hits) as hybridization but also utility, would you not? Healing was sub-par but could be helpful at times.

Rogue utility keeps the rogue alive, Feral utility kept the group alive.