How do we get them to listen

I dont think “not playing priest” is viable as there’s no actual way to get people together enough to form an actual strike.

Does anyone know any of the devs social media handles? Do we just start tagging them with concerns?

This recent update is a JOKE.

I am furious


If League if Legends players could pull it off a various champions, such as the Shen boycott, there is no reason priests couldn’t pull it off, especially when you consider WoW has far more systems in place for mass communication vs League only allowing small groups or your friends list at a time.

There is also social media.

I’m about to just keep bumping every single “SP is trash and needs help” post until the whole wall is just issues that people have with the spec in general


Someone call Belle Delphine!

That’s basically what the priest forums are right now.

They’d have to care to check the forums to begin with

While it might not be a viable way to get them to listen, I definitely have given up playing my Priest for the foreseeable future. I’m tired of being depressed every time patch notes come out and seeing none of the major design flaws addressed or literally anything of importance. There’s been so many, and I mean so, so many feedback posts on the Priest forums and the literal beta Priest feedback form— there is just no excuse to not address any of it.

I think the nail in the coffin for me was the way that one dude answered Naguura’s question about Priests still not having an interrupt in her interview. My Priest is still sitting at level 70. Cannot bring myself to even want to touch the class anymore.