How do we Gatekeep Classic RP-PvP?

In the Summer of 2019, we will be gifted with an amazing opportunity to recraft our RP-PvP community within a Classic realm. Expectations:

- PvP ruleset (not War Mode to split up the realm community)
- no flying
- no LFG/CRZ (you play with your realm ONLY)
- return of World Defense
- heavy playtime in non-instanced content

All RP-PvPers will be funnelled into one realm (maybe two).

Emerald Dream has had a tortured history. It boasted incredible RP-PvP but was so eager to promote itself about its WPvP that it attracted a lot of non-RPers to degrade the demographics. If you look at Emerald Dream today, I struggle to identify more than one Horde RP-PvP guild.

If you’re an RP-PvPer and not going to invest in Classic, you’re flat out just missing out and what is a do-over to create an amazing community.

If Classic RP-PvP is a success (and I am confident that it will be), what have we learned about our approach to “Old Emerald Dream” that we rectify in “New Emerald Dream”? How do we gatekeep our new realm?

For example, do we welcome non-RP guilds “as long as you respect RP and don’t grief us!” or do we stand up and villify/ostracize them at the beginning from tainting our community as they have done to “Old Emerald Dream”?
I think ur getting ahead of urself on wat that classic server will be... lol

it is not guarentee'd to have all the aspects of classic gameplay... just the hard grinding part of it really... the undertuned classes vs the overpowered classes... i saw a video where dungoun finder tab was in there?

most ppl will get a hard reminder that all that nostalgia was not as fun as a whole as they thought as they hit the hard barriers of classic... lvl 20... lvl 50... dungouns where u have to take slow pulls, breaks for drinking, and cc to defeat... it was said in a video blizzard themselves done expect the majority to make it past lvl 20 b4 quitting... oh and sharding, although they say wont be in there... doubt they ll take it out...
I for one wont be there. Will not rp back in time, demonolgy was not fun Back then, and too much lore i cannot forget. And most of all...the two races i play will not be in classic (pandaren and dark iron)
11/11/2018 09:10 AMPosted by Arnydyn
I think ur getting ahead of urself on wat that classic server will be... lol

it is not guarentee'd to have all the aspects of classic gameplay... just the hard grinding part of it really... the undertuned classes vs the overpowered classes... i saw a video where dungoun finder tab was in there?

most ppl will get a hard reminder that all that nostalgia was not as fun as a whole as they thought as they hit the hard barriers of classic... lvl 20... lvl 50... dungouns where u have to take slow pulls, breaks for drinking, and cc to defeat... it was said in a video blizzard themselves done expect the majority to make it past lvl 20 b4 quitting... oh and sharding, although they say wont be in there... doubt they ll take it out...

Demo was a work-in-progress. They started with the Legion client and are working backwards to emulate Vanilla. They have an actual Vanilla code base they can compare their work to but are not going to be using it since they fixed a lot of things over the years (exploits etc.). Their panel discussion gave me a lot of confidence that Blizzard truly wants to deliver an authentic experience.

I don’t buy the “nostalgia” comment at all. Some (ahem) have played on private servers and clearly state that the game is still immensely enjoyable and not a quaint short-term step back in time. Obviously, opinions may vary.

As for sharding, Blizzard wants to use that in the short-term to deal with realm stability, but the Classic community is extremely vocal to make sure it does not taint their servers beyond the initial couple of weeks.

As a Vanilla vet, I can’t wait.
11/11/2018 09:10 AMPosted by Arnydyn
most ppl will get a hard reminder that all that nostalgia was not as fun as a whole as they thought
"You think you want it, but you don't"?!?!?!?!

But yeah before the game became exclusively endgame-oriented, there was Vanilla that originally had no endgame. Sure - MC, BWL, and such came later - but the original design was that dungeons were to be an experience to be adventured through. Not just a gearing mechanic to be turbo'ed.

Have fun with the Tribute runs in Dire Maul. XD
Why would you try to gatekeep a niche community to begin with? You should be trying to get people IN, not keep people out. This thread is an example of why the RP community stays as small as it already is.
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11/11/2018 11:43 AMPosted by DelĂ­ta
Why would you try to gatekeep a niche community to begin with? You should be trying to get people IN, not keep people out. This thread is an example of why the RP community stays as small as it already is.

PvP servers: For players that like the PvP ruleset
RP-PvP servers: For RP players that like the PvP ruleset

It would be great if everyone figured out the appropriate server type for their interests.

There should be enough RP-PvPers to populate a server without having to import non-RP players. We’ve seen what happened to ED with your approach. Hoping we can be smarter with a fresh launch.
11/11/2018 11:56 AMPosted by Charax
11/11/2018 11:43 AMPosted by DelĂ­ta
Why would you try to gatekeep a niche community to begin with? You should be trying to get people IN, not keep people out. This thread is an example of why the RP community stays as small as it already is.

PvP servers: For players that like the PvP ruleset
RP-PvP servers: For RP players that like the PvP ruleset

It would be great if everyone figured out the appropriate server type for their interests.

There should be enough RP-PvPers to populate a server without having to import non-RP players. We’ve seen what happened to ED with your approach. Hoping we can be smarter with a fresh launch.

oooooo I can't WAIT to camp you
Charax, stick to transmog competitions. This thread is stupid, gatekeeping is what did irreversible damage to the ED RP scene. If you really want your experience back, maybe just roll on VeCo where you came from???
11/11/2018 12:22 PMPosted by Gordrakk
oooooo I can't WAIT to camp you

Bring it!

Though truth be told, I have no idea what faction and class I will be playing.

11/11/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Ezzran
Charax, stick to transmog competitions. This thread is stupid, gatekeeping is what did irreversible damage to the ED RP scene. If you really want your experience back, maybe just roll on VeCo where you came from???

Some would say some RPers were not very inclusive, self-harming the RP scene. I hope a lot of lessons were learned that we can apply to our fresh start.
Classic will presumably start with equally attractive plain PvP servers (in terms of population, activity, and freshness), and so I'd expect more concentrated roleplayers without any community effort. At launch, Emerald Dream and Maelstrom collected a large number of non-roleplayers because those players wanted a fresh server and there were no regular PvP servers released that month.

I'm really looking forward to Classic RP servers because while there are so many approaches to roleplaying in WoW, the one thing that unites them all is wanting to enjoy and explore Azeroth more deeply than just racing to the loot. I think they will collect an amazing group of like-minded people who will actually enjoy and stick with Classic, but efforts to chase people off who aren't playing the "right" way will be counterproductive to forming a community out of that group.
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I really hope they just do it bare bones the way nostralrius did, but they'll probably add a bunch of dumb unwanted features that will wreck it lol
11/13/2018 01:21 PMPosted by Heltor
I really hope they just do it bare bones the way nostralrius did, but they'll probably add a bunch of dumb unwanted features that will wreck it lol

I watched a Classic presentation at Blizzcon on youtube...they were stressing that they want this to be a very authentic experience so I am not expecting any feature changes.

I think the challenge is that they’re basically taking a Legion client and reverse engineering it back to Vanilla (they have a 1.12 client that they are comparing it against but don’t want to use it for a release version for reasons).
I really hope they don't make the mistake of making two RP-PvP servers for Classic. Our playstyle is pretty niche to be quite honest. There's not enough players around anymore to sustain more than one well populated RP-PvP server.

I'll make a guy and level him here and there, nothing too crazy... Paladins are painful to level in Classic and pretty garbage except as healers.
Bearcat Druid for twink BGs.
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11/11/2018 12:23 PMPosted by Ezzran
Charax, stick to transmog competitions. This thread is stupid, gatekeeping is what did irreversible damage to the ED RP scene. If you really want your experience back, maybe just roll on VeCo where you came from???
and here I thought the zpvpers took issue with rpers having standards and zerged events to prove their point

or something, but I agree this thread is stupid
11/11/2018 09:40 AMPosted by Jarawana
11/11/2018 09:10 AMPosted by Arnydyn
most ppl will get a hard reminder that all that nostalgia was not as fun as a whole as they thought
"You think you want it, but you don't"?!?!?!?!

But yeah before the game became exclusively endgame-oriented, there was Vanilla that originally had no endgame. Sure - MC, BWL, and such came later - but the original design was that dungeons were to be an experience to be adventured through. Not just a gearing mechanic to be turbo'ed.

Have fun with the Tribute runs in Dire Maul. XD

Dire Maul came after MC
11/13/2018 03:09 PMPosted by Jimirra
Bearcat Druid for twink BGs.

Jim, did you twink back in the day? That’s where I spent most of my time (Vanilla/TBC). If so, which server/guild/toon name/bracket?

11/13/2018 02:44 PMPosted by Nearo
I really hope they don't make the mistake of making two RP-PvP servers for Classic.

You’re probably right but I expect non-RPers to also roll there for some reason, thus thread.

11/13/2018 03:17 PMPosted by Xeer
but I agree this thread is stupid

Xeer, for someone who has bleeped for years about how Old ED failed, I am disappointed that you’re not offering your hot take on this.
11/13/2018 03:20 PMPosted by Moccoo
<span class="truncated">...</span>"You think you want it, but you don't"?!?!?!?!

But yeah before the game became exclusively endgame-oriented, there was Vanilla that originally had no endgame. Sure - MC, BWL, and such came later - but the original design was that dungeons were to be an experience to be adventured through. Not just a gearing mechanic to be turbo'ed.

Have fun with the Tribute runs in Dire Maul. XD

Dire Maul came after MC
And that somehow makes it take less than an hour or three to clear? You miss my point. It's a single blue cape you'll be destined to spend more than one afternoon on.
Yep RL didn't afford the time to get in to the raid scene so twinking/crafting/fishing is what I mostly did in vanilla

Mannoroth-Horde Maganda-29 Orc warrior/Alch

Alleria- Alliance Tigas-19 Nelf Hunter/Engineer