How do we feel about Russian players making accs over here and doing RMT boosts?

What a legend. Is it possible for you to send me the entire thing? Would love to watch that again.

I feel like the glad change came with good intentions. They just don’t know how to do it right so it feels devalued now.

It shouldn’t be in the game but it’s not an issue. It’s nowhere near that common nor is it gatekeeping people the way everyone tries to say it is.

Not really. I que a ton of arenas, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve qued into pika and mud despite queing at exactly the mmr they’re boosting people at. And it’s the same with other streamers like Roxxy, Maldiva, Laros, Mes.

Yes you would. You’re an RMT purchaser. Also I’ve seen you play, you couldn’t boost someone to 1400 if you tried.

It isn’t. You’re assuming people you’re queing into are boosters based off biased/bad criteria when in reality they aren’t boosters so your numbers are all wrong. When you know what boosters actually look like you’ll notice you only que into them rarely and when you do they often leave if they don’t kill you in the opener.

Boosting shouldn’t happen but anyone who’s losing to boosters just needs to stop and think about how to actually trade stuff to survive the opener and you’ll always win. It’s literally such a non issue.

This I do agree with, even though I feel like boosting in 2s is pretty bad. I don’t think it’s gatekeeping people either.

Damn, mom’s card get declined this time? Guess she’ll have to put a full OT shifts to keep her little gamer satiated.

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I think I’ll have to see if I can trim it down a bit.

I think it’s more the psychological aspect of just getting split in two by somebody who has queued 18,000 games that season, even if it’s only every 20-40 games or whatever.

dude why are you always harassing me everywhere i post ? gonna ask you nicely to refrain. again stop harassing me.

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Like you didn’t come into random posts and harass me when you thought you were better. Lol.

Boosted loser.


It’s fun to rbg with them except for when they throw without saying anything to drop mmr

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I saw big rushin guy thro a guy arownd theyre apartmint. Rushins bad. Ban al rushins

I thought Russian Boosters paid low ranked players to play games with them.

mkay ill keep reporting you for harassment bic boi. :wink: you do u. keep harassing me this guy lol

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I guess I’ll just go back and report the plethora of “Omg hard stuck rival most inflated season” posts you followed me around with for a month.

Enjoy your ban too, big boy.

That’s unfortunate.

I thought that announcing reports is generally frowned upon?


Lord. I forgot it went on that long.

I agree. Most of the people I see getting frustrated with boosters take it way worse than if they just lost to someone better than them. I feel like people are letting the games played and glad mounts get to them when in reality most of these booster teams are hella easy to beat once you stop and figure out the gimmick.

That said I still haven’t found a good way to survive the spriest unholy dk booster team when they have a night fae hpal to summer them.

Accusing someone of harassment when they aren’t harassing you is harassment.


Only thing I’ve found that works is gassing the uhdk. It’s miserable to fight though lol. Triple DPS win in the opener cleave.

Your entire existence is harassment to the human race

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Unfortunately everything I play sucks at killing unholy dks. Literally any other healer and we’ve got no issues just running down the spriest but night fae hpal just makes the damage unhealable unless everyone has a hard immunity.

They blast my disc unless dark absorbs like 90% of their go, lol. Feelsbad

Yeah, shadow paired with windwalker/dk/fury, etc, then nf hpal just kills through everything. Not even like there’s a buyer you can take advantage of because there isn’t one.

My rdruid just gets absolutely blasted by them. Always forced to tranq opener but still dies after anyway thanks to double silence.

I saw one with a venthyr dh, absolutely insane damage.

Because the problem is twofold:

  1. Blizzard has the burden of proving RMT has happened, which is usually difficult to find evidence of because they use Discord or other 3rd party apps to communicate.

  2. You would run into situations where 2 highly experienced friends might help out another friend who isn’t good at PvP. That means there is a potential to incorrectly ban someone just because they were allowed to play with their higher experience friends? That wouldn’t be fair to any of the 3 players involved.