True. And that’s probably what the modern BFA devs/team does. Which is why mobs feel like lifeless piñatas.
We need a tailor made experience, which is what Vanilla was, but nobody has the time/money to do anymore.
True. And that’s probably what the modern BFA devs/team does. Which is why mobs feel like lifeless piñatas.
We need a tailor made experience, which is what Vanilla was, but nobody has the time/money to do anymore.
It’s not perfect, but it will still be more enjoyable than MC being faceroll easy.
At least it will preserve Classic the way it was, even if it was 1.4 years after launch.
There are obvious problems with this, if you ever played on Any P server that did this (Warsong 12x?) That buffed naxx bosses by something silly like 300% it was more problem then worth, still facerolled because bugged.
THIS would however make it more of a timesink that can be a good thing to put into raiding, but it’s a poor idea if you think about for more then 30 seconds on bosses.
That server was trash and people only played it because it was during the dark ages of private servers. Longer boss fights means mana is an issue now and mistakes are much more likely over a longer period.
That was part of the Vanilla experience. Haha.
i think you are over rating the demand for that. people just want to get in and play, if they get burnt out so be it
Vanilla had a lot of terrible game design choices, but it doesn’t mean we have to relive every screwup the designers made.
True true. But man, if there was no player poaching there would a lot more guilds further into Naxx than there were.
And how is that a bad thing?
I spy a butthurt hunter. Even if they nerf threat like you want, hunters are still going to be sidelined when they aren’t needed for tranq shot because those fury warrior spots are just going to be replaced with more mages and rogues as they have solid threat reduction.
FD is a 30 sec CD and drops our threat to zero… You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. We are top DPS in situations where threat matters.
And how is that a bad thing?
Oh. It’s not. Not at all.
After thinking about it, the big thing that stood out was the idea of Time. Things could be straightforward and easy, but if things took Time - as it did in Vanilla when the original content was released, it will change the way the game is played today to be more authentic. If NPCs took longer to kill, as they did say MC as of 1.1, MC clears would take more Time. If it was original scholo/strath, it would take more Time.
To an extent I think you’re right here, but be careful what you wish for, or this “re-tuning” may start to look an awful lot like ilvl scaling that they have in BfA’s open-world. I mean, simply doubling the HP of a raid boss to double the time it takes to take them down adds time and makes the OOM-race and maybe an enrage-timer more challenging, but at the end of the day this sort of thing just adds tedium to the game.
Not sure if that’s a good thing or not. Tedium and time /played and slower pacing of mob kills, leveling, gearing, rep-grinding… that all feels perhaps very authentic™ Vanilla-ish, but I can’t help but thinking there are very simple and underwhelming ways to pull this off and I’m not sure I want Blizzard to do that.
Meh – don’t let this Wrath baby distract you. I wouldn’t know authentic™ Vanilla “feel” if it hit me in the face, other than perhaps by contrast to BfA and how retail has progressed in the past 9-10 years or so…
For sure, but it doesn’t change the problem your idea has. Do we want Vanilla or do we want Vanilla + Re-tuning and buffing are two different things, Rolling with the older threat build which was 1.1-1.5 seems more reasonable, and you’re only thinking about MC what about The trash after Emp’s? or a Fight like Patchwerk?
It also makes it harder for people who aren’t pushing content and are more casual, they now need to farm more entry level gear. Threat reduction, also makes early dungi’s more fun as well.
People getting pouched is always a problem, in Vanilla it was part of it, why are you LETTING your Thunderfury tanks get pouched in the first place is a better question.
To an extent I think you’re right here, but be careful what you wish for, or this “re-tuning” may start to look an awful lot like ilvl scaling that they have in BfA’s open-world. I mean, simply doubling the HP of a raid boss to double the time it takes to take them down adds time and makes the OOM-race and maybe an enrage-timer more challenging, but at the end of the day this sort of thing just adds tedium to the game.
You cannot just add health and or damage to NPC’s alone, you also need to revert back to the earlier system of threat management because it reduces overall Raid DPS and in turn puts emphasis back on the defensive stats like spell resistances.
As a result this slows down the raid DPS, healing output and the entire package of the game, not just the DPS, but also changes how healers play in turn further slowing down the DPS meaning the tanks must be more defensively oriented or they’re OOM’n the healers in turn wiping the raid.
Because of this, the boss health and damage outputs would not need but a little tweak to get them back to their authentic ways…
PLEASE DO NOT THIS SITUATION… I am in no way saying this will prevent raids like Molten Core from being speed cleared by the .0001% of the player base that does that kind of thing…
That is NOT what this is about.
This entire point is about the authenticity of the raid and how it is suppose to feel and play for the typical player.
This entire point is about the authenticity of the raid and how it is suppose to feel and play for the typical player.
Do you expect raiding in Classic to be more popular and enjoyed by a higher proportion of the playerbase than raiding was in Vanilla? I’m wondering what you mean by “typical” in context.
The idea is the buffs act as a substitute for weaker talents and itemization. You play with 1.12 talents but the buffs give it a difficulty resembling what it was at the point in the timeline the content batch is. MC batch would resemble 1.1, BwL 1.6, AQ 1.9 and Naxx 1.11.
Rouges still have vanish and mages have a 30% threat reduction, so you still lose except on fights with threat drops and needing an OT to be second on threat with little rage. This means mages will be in the same boat as fury warriors are with 1.12 talents with the threat nerf you want.
I’m wondering what you mean by “typical” in context.
The typical raider; as for how popular raiding will be… Who knows, it could be more popular or less popular; only time will tell.
Rouges still have vanish and mages have a 30% threat reduction, so you still lose except on fights with threat drops and needing an OT to be second on threat with little rage. This means mages will be in the same boat as fury warriors are with 1.12 talents with the threat nerf you want.
Vanish is nice because it wipes their aggro like FD, but it’s a 5 min CD, and if you’re LOL-SUB, you get 2 with a 10 min Prep CD.
Feint drops something like 600 threat and only slightly better than disengague but that’s a CD…
Mages also have a passive threat reduction as you stated, but they have no other threat reduction or way to dump threat once its ramping; this limits their DPS greatly.
Hunters on the other hand are the top tier regarding threat management by a mile… because FD is a 30 Sec CD.
It’s not even remotely comparable; our advantage is not in our raw maximum DPS values, but in our ability to manage threat better than any other class in the game…
And this right here is why Private server experience regarding threat management is just a pitiful joke, many of you people don’t know any of this because many of you simply never played the original game.
For a group of people making noise to get an authentic experience I find it truly ironic that you reject the authentic experience.