Maybe like on a level 90 tank
I can’t help you much with arms. Spec seems in a really bad place right now but then again I don’t do any high end pvp on this character so maybe arms sees more use in arena, etc. Arm’s self healing is also limited as others have said. Fury as a spec in general is in a much better place right now. It’s logging very strong in this raid tier over the last month, think #1 last I checked. And as far as your question revolving around healing, it has much more reliable means of self-healing via abilities and talents. Personally I think the spec is far more fun to play compared to arms but this is the first expansion where I’ve mained a warrior so my experience is limited.
Arms is okay in PvP right now. Definitely better than fury in 3s and RBGs, but still not much reason to ever bring an arms warrior over a monk.
No, just stop.
I find holy priests and resto druids are the best ways for warriors to heal.
Warriors have many options for healing: Holy Priest, Discipline Priest, Holy Paladin, Restoration Druid, Restoration Shaman, and Mistweaver Monk. Bring one of those along wherever you go and you’ll be set.
I took my Fury Warrior to Nazjatar yesterday for the first time. She slaughtered everything she came in contact with, taking on 4 and 5 at a time with no problems. The others I have gone through there with have all had to have heals and try to avoid the big crowds of mobs.
I think I’m going to have a lot of fun with her in the 2 new zones. Healing is nothing when just killing stuff heals the warrior.
I’m working on a maximized healing build for fury, does cold blood hot steel stack on its healing?
Get past level 20 then we’ll talk
I mean…it’s widely known that Drez is an EU player and has a 120 warrior, he only has a 20 warrior here to post on NA forums.
He also knows what he’s talking about.
It might be a EU thing idk they don’t want to show there toon with threat of targeting
Drez cannot show his character here since he is EU, this is after all the NA forums.
For the guy saying he’s hitting for 1/3 of someone’s health with slam and others being against them…
This reminds me of a discussion I was having on the hunter forums where I was talking about a build I use where in PvE I get 120k kill command crits during execute phases and people were saying it was a flat out lie because it doesn’t hit that hard.
I was using 4 traits that increase kill command damage, 2 that give tons of mastery, and my stats had tons of mastery and mastery increases kill command damage. I posted a screen shot of damage break down to prove my point.
The point I’m making is it may be possible to do what he is saying despite what the generally accepted or even “main class people” say. All he needs to do is post screen shots of what he is talking about. I see he has 3 traits that increase slam damage, so maybe he’s doing something differently.
I ran 3x CA traits all last season in PvP. I promise you that since the nerf, slam is not hitting anyone for 1/3 of their health. Especially a tank.
Before the nerf sure. I remember killing a poorly geared mage from about 65 or 70% with a single slam. But since the nerf along with health pool scaling, it just isn’t gonna happen.
We don’t.
Kill it before it kills you, and if that don’t work take as many of 'em with you when you die!
Odyn’ll sort it all out.
you can’t take Imp VR or Second Wind in a PVP situation. They aren’t strong enough heals and we lose way too much versatility with the loss of our only stun and Dstance
Depends on the tank’s gear.
WoW is the only mmo where pvpers are not second class citizens.
in pvp the pro warrior mitigation is still laughable. Even melee cuts right thru