How do warriors heal?

I’ve been thinking of trying a warrior again. What do they have for healing? Anything? Looking mainly arms spec but not sure. Also looking for healing in the lower levels too. I love the paladin because they can heal themselves but what about a warrior? I do solo so I’d have to rely on myself.

Arms can’t heal reliably. They rely solely on victory rush with their only other trick in the book being second wind talent paired with retaliation if the enemy is melee only.

Fury self healing is noticeably superior through bloodthirst and enraged regeneration. The talents fresh meat and war paint pair well with it as well for sustainability, albeit fresh meat is not currently the best talent to run with from a DPS standpoint.

Prot is a low healing tank spec. Where other tanks can recover HP prot is in the same boat with arms and victory rush. They make that up by being able to mitigate the damage outright.


With horde tears…


Arms? Healing?



Arms doesnt need healing, because when you crit on slam, it takes a third of a tanks health bar.

Playing arms is like playing chess, but youve got like 4 queens.

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Victory Rush/Impending Victory and Second Wind.

That’s not a thing.


Arms is crying in a corner sobbing because it can’t heal.

Fury is such a sadist, it heals via damaging with one of its core abilities.


I potted all the time as Arms. I made use of the rapid out of combat quick heal.

Basically meaning I’d kite something and whittle it down until it was a game of will my 1% survive long enough for a WW. Also, lots of WW deaths.

Also, learn to play in red overlay mode.

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Forgive me if I’m reading you wrong, are you talking about world content?

Mostly talking world content. I tried PvP, but it felt very glass cannon. I needed to kill my opponent and get victory rush ASAP. Out of combat heal aka Second Wind in BGs was doable, but not 2vs2s.

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Have you heard of Second Wind.

Oh it totally is, crushing blow is quite sweet.

This going to be one of those things where you say “oh it wasnt 33.333% of his health so youre wrong.” Or “oh well you didnt mention all the procs and pots so youre wrong.”

Ok but to be fair, if you aren’t actually doing 33.333% or something close to it, saying you can do a third of a TANK’S health is misleading


Even with 3x CA, Slam is not going to hit for 1/3 of someone’s health in PvP. It could before they nerfed it, but it just isn’t gonna happen now. Especially to a tank.


Are you talking world content, pvp or something else?

If world content I strongly suggest using fury because they heal themselves with an attack thats part of the rotation.

Fury can solo nearly anything out in the world.

Drez and my mama said if i have nothing nice to say dont say it so i wont talk about Arms


Please post any picture of this happening. Im well geared and the most i have slamed someone for (non tank) was 54k with 3x traits and buffs.


I’m well aware what CA is. I’m also well aware of how hard it can hit.

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but crit’s are reduced in power in PvP, yeah?

And CA is also nerfed in PvP by what, 50%?

Highest crit of CA I’ve seen from my own logs, in PvE, is ~120k.

Tanks have more hp than that, by a lot. So, this

It’s not like it’s 30%, or 25%, mate that’s like 20%.

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Crit for a 3rd of someones health you say. Might be funny if I wasnt crying deep down inside. Our burst damage is pathetic right now. Even stacking 3x times CA + 3x LoW + 2 dps trinkets and I may hit someone for 27k at most. I can hit the pvp dummy for 180k+ doing this. Pop blade storm to get ca stacks, pop Avatar, poporc racial, pop trinkets and hit Warbreaker. However when I do this in a bg or arena mostly I get 17k hits. Last night I did this on a mage and hit him for a total of 847 dmg as he absorbed most of it. Pathetic.

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You don’t, you just try to kill them better then they can kill you. If you kill them, than you start by smacking your next enemy to gain some health to start the next round of who can kill who better.