I make weird noises and clench my fists. Sometimes I’ll do a bit of writhing in agony while in my chair. That’s about the extent of it anymore.
When I was like 14 or 15 losing Warsong Gulch I’d do a bit of screaming, but that’s mostly because my brother knew exactly how to needle me while watching.
Truth. F-bombs are as far as I go … and I can’t much help that. I’m a retired Senior Master Sergeant’s son, so my language can get pretty spicy. That said, I’m for darn sure not gonna break something I’ll need later. That’s just crazy.
To die, or not to die: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous encounters,
Or to take f bombs in a sea of posts,
And by ranting end them? To CAPS: to RANT;
No more; and by a suspension to say we end this #$%#!! game.
In all seriousness, as a teenager in PvP I used to hit stuff. Broke my hard drive once. I’m 35 and I don’t rage at all anymore and haven’t in a long time.
If I am in a BattleGround, and the Flag Carrier goes the wrong way, and gives the enemy the flag in an Eye of the Storm match … I might let out a single curse word. That’s the extent of my raging.
I had a friend though… playing video games with him could get strange. 90% of the time we were chilling… but sometimes he would throw his controller if we were playing Halo, or flip his keyboard if we lost an arena match, or grab a random CD from his desk and break it. He seemed like a chill guy for 90% of his life, but when he lost at video games, he started breaking stuff.
That’s why I don’t see myself as a rager, in comparison.
Usually, if I start getting agitated to the point of reacting to it. I just turn whatever game
I am playing off. At least enough to allow myself to calm down.
I have thrown a controller ONCE. I threw it on the end of my bed, and it bounced off
and crashed into my very expensive drum set. Drum set was fine. But the controller
was comming apart at the seams. Luckly, I was able to push it back together, and
it still worked. Now I just turn the game off, and walk away for awhile.