How do Trolls kiss?

Do they just smack their tusks against each other? It makes me sad.

Maybe kissing isn’t a thing with trolls.

This is definitely one of those awkward WoW questions I’ve had in the back of my mind but never asked…

This should end up being an interesting thread…

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:japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre:

Like that. One has to turn their head and they’re kiss on the cheek only kinda folks.

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all trolls are virgins, they dont kiss or have any sensual relations lol

i guess the tongue kiss they would do fine

Obviously they clack tusks together and this is culturally accepted as a kiss to them.

Female troll’s heads are small enough to go between the tusks of a male troll. As a result, female trolls are always the initiator in kisses.

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Hard to believe this hasn’t been said yet, but the answer is…

Veeeeeery carefully.