How does human/UD interact with the 1:30 PVP trinkets? Does the ICD make them wholly useless or are they Stier?
I don’t think they’ve been changed at all yet?
Also medallion down to 1 minute instead of 1.5 or 2 so wonder if that’s a bug.
i will literally terrorize the world if healers 1 minute trinket goes live
It’s probably not intended.
blizzard just wants arena to be press w at someone until the healer ooms
Well, you can thank all the 1400 warrior mains that have been advocating that for years on here. Oh nerf this CC nerf that CC. GO PLAY PVE.
they changing trinket cd probably because SS healers dps dont stop CC on them
i 100% believe its because of SS
Maybe, actually. That does make it more approachable and understandable for pve players to transition over but doesn’t really address the whole social/premade/ui aspects which are probably more of an issue than learning curve.
pretty sure racials would be coded the same cant imagine they would recode stuff for healers ONLY
Well if I have a 1 min trinket, then 45 second later I can Will or EMFH but I cant trinket again then this just feels like a big Will and human nerf?
It is currently 1.5 on ptr.
The shared cd is still the same as live, making them worse off or effectively useless for healers.
Oh, fixed then. My screenshot was from a week or
two three ago.
its good for dps players but absolute misery for healers, i actually enjoyed healing in SL because once i was out of CC i could press radiance and it would heal for like 80% of someones health bar. now when im out of cc it takes 4 different globals to barely stabilize and thats not counting microcc and baiting kicks
That was a vibe, wasn’t it
I was actually having a blast healing shufflers on rsham/disco in sl, as well as keys, then come into DF and buttons don’t move healthbars and I kind of gravitate away from healing
Maybe I’ll give it another whirl next season
Yet we still have threads demanding nerfs for cyclone and shadowmeld.
Seems to be where we’re headed. Hopefully solo
RBG’s take off and blizzard can stop balancing around arena
adapt cd on ptr?
just redesign human and ud racials its awk
It’s still 60 seconds.
There are other races who’ve been far more neglected than human.
Moonkin could arguably use more risk involved with Cyclone and Shadowmeld is objectively busted on two classes that are already problematic.
In a perfect world, aye.
Fix neck seam please.