How do the High Elves feel about Void Elves?

It wasn’t arcane it was filtered, but the origins was fel. We know it was fel, because the addiction got worse. The elves literally were devolving as suspected by the Night Elves back in Classic hence why High Elves chose their integrity over their addictions. The Blood Elves didn’t care they believed Rommath and Kael’thas promise land until they reached Outland and realized how false it all was.

It’s all a jumbled mess due to Classic and BC lore not being well written or conveyed for the average reader.

We see the first time Illidan uses Mana Tap as an arcane mage in Blackrook fighting off the legion before he joined the legion.

And it really doesn’t help when you keep making up stuff

I am not. The technique was improved upon by Illidan and taught to Kael’thas and he provided demonic mana crystals. You guys are literally ignoring that the mana crystals were fel. The radiation and technique was causing the addiction to get worse. Legion questing was a precursor of the ability which was later improved upon and taught to Rommath.

None of them indicate the conclusions you draw about mana tap.


You’re just making up this idea that the blood elves fed off of them when they were civil infrastructure powering the city. The elves just fed on arcane from mana wyrms and such b/c Rommath knew fel would be a step too far (and as the Shadow of the Sun short story shows, they can tell that there is a difference in energy types)

This was the only thing that effected their eyes.

Mana tap is a form of siphoning magic from living beings. This ability is associated with

The ability taught to the elves was Warlock in ORIGIN. It is a technique which has fel implications. It’s bad for elves to use and why those who over indulged in the practice were devolving into Wretched. Hence why Valeera was able to use it as an offensive ability in her fight with Broll. It was a dumb down version of a warlock technique which drains the life and magic from living creatures.

According to who?

You’ve no proof of this. The literal first blood elf quest states those crystals have been around since before the Scourge invasion; all that changed was the magical energy jammed in there. To empower their structures that fell apart when the Sunwell was lost.

You’ve no proof of this either. Even in TBC-era Silvermoon, warlocks didn’t operate until after dark and were just as hush-hush as every other “polite” race’s dark casters.

You must be joking. The term “fel” isn’t mentioned a single time in the entirety of the blood elf questing experience, and their cleansing hour of redemption was focused entirely on their abuse of the Light. Their usage of fel, at least insofar as the playable faction in Silvermoon is concerned, was never more than a backstory element the game elected to explore through Kael’thas’s faction instead. Consider this illuminating quote from Chronicles 3:

When (the blood elves) ventured to the Netherstorm, they saw the truth with their own eyes. Kael’thas had embraced fel magic and become the Legion’s pawn. He was their prince no more. Word of this discovery reached Lor’themar Theron and the other ranking elves in Quel’Thalas. The news broke their hearts, but they came to a consensus. Kael’thas was lost. It was their duty to vanquish him and end his treachery.

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According to Illidan and Kael’thas. The using of fel started to make him paranoid. It drove him mad and eventually to the arms of Kil’jaeden. I literally sourced it and cited the paragraph. Why are you responding when you haven’t read the entire posts and citations? It’s all there. ALL OF IT. This isn’t a debate this is a well-known conclusion. The mana tap ability was corrupting because of its origins. When YOU DRAIN MAGIC FROM LIVING BEINGS THAT’S A CORRUPTING ACT WHICH LEADS TO FEL AKA CHAOTIC MAGIC!

Okay read the CITATIONS. The AVERAGE ELF DID NOT KNOW. THEY DID NOT KNOOOW. banging head on desk Even to this day most players clearly MISSED the whole story line adventuring from Classic to BC and all the side quests which reveal the whole story.

Are you trying to claim it has some connection to the warlock ability that used to exist of the same name?

There is no lore basis for that…

Thats utterly ridiculous to use as your proof.

Mana Tap does not have fel implications. We’ve never been given fel implications nor fel connections to this ARCANE ability taught by Rommath to the player blood elves and taught to him by Illidan whom appears to have learned it before he began to play with fel magics.

Note that the Warlock Spell is Shadow magic by the way. Not even fel…

Mana Tap is Arcane.

You are making assumptions based on a similar name, which isn’t proof of anything.

OMFG NO! The skill is related to warlock magic. Because it’s draining your opponents life force and making it into mana. You are tapping mana from a living creature to gain an upperhand. It’s fel in origin, because of Illidan’s teachings. Read my citation and the paragraph of Illidan.

They said it was a Warlock ability?


What you did was post a link, and copy the text. What you didn’t do was post anything that backs up the wrong conclusions you seem to want us to believe they support.

I mean, assuming it’s the paragraph I saw you posting here

It just says they took up mana tapping arcane energy. That’s it. But you act like it is proof of fel.

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Arcane magic addiction can be, and often is, worsened by indulging in only arcane magic. You don’t have to tap into fel magic to degenerate into Wretched; it just made the temptation to try fel easier because eventually your body would acclimate to the “hit” you’d get from arcane magic and you’d want to dose up on something stronger.

Just because the blood elves didn’t know where the technique came from isn’t by itself proof that it was fel magic. It just means they didn’t know it came from Illidan.


Warlock in ORIGIN because it’s a technique to consume mana from your opponent. Illidan taught it. Read further up. I wrote it with a bunch of citations.

And yet he learned/created his version as a mage.

You haven’t yet established that there is a connection between the two besides the name. You’ve proven there’s a warlock skill, and the old belf racial, you haven’t shown the proof of them being connected.

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I mean, I’ve looked at your “evidence” and your citations… none of them claim what you are claiming.

You’re making wild assumptions trying to link concepts together that do not equate.

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True, but fel is like crack. Arcane is a lighter version of it. At least it was back in the old days. Fel is inherently worse and why we see warlocks as a playable class for Blood Elves many wanted the good stuff. Rommath taught them a very bad ability for mana addicted elves and that in turn caused many to depend on mana crystals, consuming magic and siphoning it from living things. Some went even further turning into Wretched in the process. On Outland and in Kael’thas soldiers turning into Felblood Elves.

Can we stick to the actual lore, and not your headcanon?

I did cite it and repeatedly so. You have yet to provide a valid source. You keep saying, “head canon.” That’s not an answer. I shared the sources, the book, the quotes, and you have yet to provide a legitimate response.