How do people play with such a cluttered UI?

I see so many people on youtube and twitch who play with a crap ton of windows and whatnot, on their screen. How do you even pay attention to fights or see what you’re supposed to see with all that crap on your screen?

I personally only play with gathermate and a dps meter and maybe 1 or 2 other minor addons. Anymore than that and I simply can’t concentrate on what I’m doing.

Anyone else feel this way or am I just too used to a standard wow experience?

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can’t mythic raid without em

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That’s arguable, seeing how blizzard doesn’t include those functions with the standard game. I’d imagine you would need more skill to do that kind of raiding but to say you can’t raid without it is probably a bit much.

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What do you mean? I can see perfectly!


Lol that’s exactly what I’m talking about! That gives me a little anxiety just looking at that haha.

Ah good ol Vanilla, the poor saps that have never touched it will realize that they will need MULTIPLE ranks of their healing spells on their bar.

Prefer my UI showing things as they are needed. That is how I have it configured. If I am not in combat, nothing shows. When I am in combat it changes based on my role and group makeup.

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Where’s your Peggle window?

I thought that was only the case before the patches that made the lower level spells actually scale properly so you couldn’t spam it forever?

Good lord! Why all the guild chat windows tho?

You don’t need much.

Centralized target/player frames.
DPS Meter.
DBM timers.

That’s the “required” stuff.

Some people might have some Weakauras around the middle somewhere too. Some classes can benefit a LOT from having certain information in an easy-to-see location. Others don’t really gain much and I think it’s silly to clutter the screen with auras.

Can’t think of anything else. Raid Frames are going to take up a chunk of space with or without addons.

Streamers have a lot of unnecessary UI elements on their screen. Not sure why.

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Maybe its to make the viewers think that they are an elite player but really aren’t? idk lol