It is kinda weird how Chromie-time defaults you to BfA for levelling and iirc they said going into War Within that Dragonflight is going to be the default levelling experience next. So new players coming in (good luck to them) are going to essentially begin WoW with Dragonflight, and since Shadowlands took place where it did (not Azeroth, not Draenor), it seems like it’s one of those things where it’ll get softly swept under the rug. Then in like 5 years some new Chronicle book or another will retcon it.
WoW’s lore and setting is uh…not the most welcoming for someone new coming into the game trying to wrap their heads around it. You’d think with there being a bunch of libraries in some of the cities that there might be some in-game books that explain relevant stuff but alas, those books are just 2D textures and maybe 4 polygons when they’re on a table.
I’d probably feel more alright with the ‘The First Ones’ if they were merely Titans but of a more powerful & old origin, that formed their own Pantheon separate from Aman’Thul’s long before he awoke — Yet still more or less the same kind of cosmic beings.
I mean, as mentioned in a theory craft - If the First Ones created the Shadowlands via -
I’d probably look at the lore of the Shadowlands with a little less judgement & consider the writing to be a lot more decent, perhaps even clever.
Honestly if they revealed more about the souls that were infused into ‘The Eternals’ - maybe even showing the Winter Queen was a goddess in her former life that was slain and then took on a new role (thus to how she’s Elune’s sister) — I’d probably also feel less despising of their lore too.
You’ve argued such when players state the majority didn’t like Shadowlands.
But alas, that’s a flawed conversation that I doubt is going to really get us anywhere …
I’ve never really seen you exaggerate such, hence the proposed lore that would be more suitable (if Blizzard actually decide to listen to the playerbase & apply some decent writing).
Would mend the Night-Elf identity quite a fair-bit too, in that regard.
What I said was true. Show me any evidence from an unbiased source that says the majority didn’t like Shadowlands. And once again, forums, this one, reddit, etc, are not unbiased sorces.
I don’t know what you mean by me “exaggeraing such”. I always felt “The first ones” were intended to be something to be revealed in a later expansion. I don’t see that as bad writting.
Anyway I have no problem with people arguing with me. I really do believe in free speech and don’t mind a debate.
Won’t matter if it’s unbiased evidence, or flat-out statistics – You’ll simply refuse to accept it … So yeah, I refuse to waste my time on listing ‘evidence’ that’s already been listed before.
As I said, if they fleshed it out more — Or perhaps poured more mystery & layers into Shadowlands ‘lore’ - It might be more accepted by the masses.
You’ve argued in the past that you’d like more on Shadowlands lore? Depending how they do it (such as some of the theory-crafting I’ve listed in prior comments) — I’d agree actually with you on that part.
If they did that, I probably wouldn’t mind actually returning to the Shadowlands (just y’know … without all the systems lol, and probably some new zones - extended from the previous ones).
Well if I was claiming people liked Shadowlands then it would go both ways but I’m not. What I’m claiming is that we just don’t know how “the players” in general feel.
The forums are biased so they don’t provide any information about “the community” and no other information seems to be available.
I meant it goes both ways you can’t show proof of otherwise.
You can see across all social & gaming platforms of people complaining about Shadowlands than advocating for it, more than any other expansion in history. Twitch, youtube, the forums, Reddit, Facebook, online pols, WoWhead and hell even Trade-chat lol.
Yes you can and all platforms have the same bias. Ever notice that polling agencies like Harris and Gallup never use internet forums? There’s a reason. They tend to be biased in favor of who ever has an agenda to push.
The only reliable polling is unbiased random polling. Beyond that it’s collecting statistics from the server side. Without that we have no idea how “the community” feels and adding more internet forums just repeats the same bias.
It’s debatable if they are ‘corrupted’ when shifting to the void. Lore suggests it’s just a mirrored affinity or cycle between light and void. Hence they are more like a conduit, but we probably won’t know for certain until Midnight.
I don’t mean it in the evil sense necessarily just that when they are weakened they can enter that state as a means of recovery.
from ze fandom page;
Naaru can die, but if their physical form is damaged, it may bleed their energy causing them to enter a darkened state in which they are weakened and produce void energies, becoming dark naaru or darkened naaru. A naaru’s darkened state is different than death. Their energy may take up to one thousand years to regenerate. It should be noted that some darkened naaru still appear to harbor altruistic intentions; however, their weakened state may be exploited for nefarious purposes, such as creating void minions and raising the undead. It is unknown if this cycle occurs naturally without an external catalyst. Examples of darkened naaru are D’ore, M’uru, K’ure, and K’ara. Thrice, darkened naaru have also been shown to transform further into void gods; though in all known occasions this was only when their light was forcibly drained by an outside party, so it does not seem to be a natural phenomenon and is normally extremely rare. The ethereal Locus-Walker noted that the few cases of naaru falling into Void he knew of had occurred when mortals were involved, which he thought carried fascinating implications.
There’s a theory going around that Light and Void might be akin to “spacetime broken into two”. Maybe it has something to do with Aman’thul’s weapon, which is a lightning bolt, bright on one end and shadowy on the other.
So, maybe there isn’t an afterlife for the Light? What we see in the Shadowlands might indicate it is grounded on the mortal realm. As much as Calie got turned into undead by the Light, it doesn’t seem Light and Death get along.