Serious question
According to wowpedia Naaru can die, so I’m wondering what happens when they die. Do they go to the shadowlands?
Serious question
According to wowpedia Naaru can die, so I’m wondering what happens when they die. Do they go to the shadowlands?
Much like entities of the void, they are of the light. I assume they cease to exist like killing demons in the twisting nether
Some mysteries are better left untold,it keeps the mind in wonder.
SL ruined a lot of lore, you can check the spirits of the orcs in Draenor, afterlife rituals from Draenei, Trolls…etc, Then you’ll have questions like Why the Kyrian didn’t take their souls? What’s happening here? …etc
They turn into inanimate robuts or something.
Kyrians are lazy.
you have a very naaru point of view toward kyraisns
The Kyrian say they go to the Cosmic Realm of Light not the Shadowlands.
Each Cosmic Force is supposed to have their own Cosmic Realm where their inhabitants are supposed to go after death.
Incidentally in the Emerald Dream Questlines an Ancient near death has a Dreamform in the Emerald Dream despite being awake and physically elsewhere in the Emerald Dream which explains why Ursoc appeared in the Dream despite going to the Shadowlands.
Ursoc in otherwords was walking around the Dream enjoying it only for Ara’lon to kill him for Anima due to his Soul being in the Shadowlands where it could be harvested.
Ara’lon of course later got corrupted by the Drust and was later killed by the Player.
The darkening Naaru kept the Orcs who behaved and didn’t off themselves from entering the Veil so that it could maintain it’s Light-aligned purity. As for why the Naaru didn’t allow Orcs that offed themselves to remain to aid it: Void is tied to Dark thoughts and Orcs offing themselves have Dark thoughts… Naaru doesn’t want Orcs that offed themselves near it!
the after life needs tree ornaments as well.
What lore? It was just a random hodgepodge of whatever the quest writer felt like at the time, it’s not like there’s a Canon Bible they followed before SL came along.
when an entity dies it goes back to its plain of origin
and if they die again within that plain they’re obliterated.
kinda makes you wonder why mortals go to the realm of death.
Legion ruined Valajar deaths with Helya taking some souls but not all of them.
The Naaru are strange entities seen in on Azeroth and SL .I guess they can be in all realms of this universe.
It is best to ask why than how.
They go to Lamp Heaven.
I’m half asleep I thought the title was “Naruto” not “Naaru”
Praise be to Watt.
Alas how the Ancients aren’t immortal in their own Cosmic Realm.
Mortals become Immortal in the Shadowlands while Ancients are born Mortal and eventually face oblivion feeding the Gardens of Life with their Life Essence.
Gonna attempt to lore nerd this. Definitely correct me if I’m wrong here.
What are Naaru?
Naaru are ultimately angelic beings of Light (and sometimes Void). They are basically ‘Angels for the Light Domain’ something we don’t see but have heard much of.
Do we know anything about the Light Domain?
If you remember Bradenbrad (guy in ICC) was taken to the Light Domain by the Naaru and the ‘Good half’ of Uther was taken to the Light Domain and counsels adventurers in various parts of the questing areas of EK. ‘Bad half’ was taken to Bastion.
We know that Z’rali came from the Light Domain to fight against Denathrius but was tainted so bad she is no longer recognisable to her kind. Hence they are stuck in Revendreth. There is a Void corrupted one in Maldraxxus.
TL;DR they appear to be above ‘normal beings’. They are basically ascended from when they existed as Naaru and can travel and even fight on different realms. However this doesn’t stop them from being captured/tortured/void corrupted etc.
For some reason I was under the impression that they dont really ‘die’ and instead they just swap to void when ‘killed’… and vise versa?
I’m prob totally wrong here though lmao