How do I upgrade my waist legendary to 291?

What do I buy on the AH? And where do I upgrade it? Thanks.

you can’t. you get the memory of unity runecarving power from the enlightened in zereth mortis and you make a new 291 legendary the normal way with that


Thanks. I have to be Revered?

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You don’t. You get unity power at revered status and craft new legendary with it at 291. Afterwards dump the belt.

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Thanks. FML. I seriously thought I was done. lol

You are done if you don’t intend to M+ or raid or do rated PVP. The 291 is only worth it if yo u do those 3 activities. But unity can be placed in any slot too.

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I do rated PVP.


Bought at Revered from Vilo the Englighted quartermaster for 500 Cosmic Flux.

Once that memory is learned at the Runecarver, you make your 291 Unity legendary just like any other legendary. The one big difference is that unlike the other legnedaries, you can put Unity on any of your gear slots that you want, instead of just a couple of predefined pieces.

The lower level Unity belt that you get for free as part of the ZM quest series is its own deal, and you use it as just as it is as a fancy piece of gear (which technically is a legendary), and that is generally going to be fine for alts and even mains depending on what end game content you do.

But competition for base items at 291 seems strong, so prices are relatively low, at least on the servers I have toons on, so it may be worth getting the 291 version depending on your gold situation. You may want to consult a guide for your class/spec, like on Icyveins, for recommendations on which slot to put it on, especially relative to your ideal first legendary slot/gear piece and your four piece set.

/moo :cow: