I want to play as a tortilla, like Loh. How do I unlock them?
I was told that after BFA was over you could get a quest to unlock them but there hasn’t been any news at all about unlocking them.
I want to play as a tortilla, like Loh. How do I unlock them?
I was told that after BFA was over you could get a quest to unlock them but there hasn’t been any news at all about unlocking them.
Grind up some corn or if you want wheat you gotta get that wheat. Do a bit of mixing and chemistry and boom…
Gather 10,309 anima.
Gather 23 fields of corn.
Go to Odin and ask him to smash you into a tortilla.
Then you have him fling you like a frisbee towards Tinkertown where the Gnomes attach your arms and legs.
Finally, you become a tortilla table.
edit: spelling
little oil in a pan then go to town
I’m sorry my auto correct changed it into the wrong word I mean the turtle race not a food.
Yeah, someone lied to you.
A tortilla made it to the salsa!
Sadly you were lied to: All current playable races can be found here:
You need to be at least 2 centuries old.
If you push the truck in Vermillion city Tortilla will spawn.
Now, that was funny!!!
Your name, I just noticed, coupled with the auto correct request and Fairlight response …
Have you visited Tortuga yet?
I don’t see a difference, turtles aren’t food?
Loh has to complete all the masa
Must be some good tortillas if you’re locking them up.