How do i unlock pet battles

So, i tried to do a pet battle, and it says “one or more charcters on this account has blocked the pet battle feature” and i for the life of me cannot figure out how to get it turned back on.

I apperciate all the help possible for this!!!


Huh. Didn’t know that could happen. Never heard/seen this anywhere.

Off you go to Bug Report Forum or Customer Service or google or somewhere.

That’s a new one for me.

Do know if there’s another WoW account tied to same Battle . net account, characters on both can’t pet battle at same time. Only the one that logged in first. But error message here is Pet Journal is Locked by another user on this account.

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Same issue here.

I have two accounts tied to one account. Quest Learning the ropes. When I target a pet and right click it to engage the battle with my pet. I get the error Pet Journal is locked by another user on this account. I did not lock any thing and have looked for any check box to unlock and their is none. What needs to happen to allow this quest to complete? both Accounts are logged in at the same time, also both have the pet quest. i am the the only one pursuing the battle to complete the quest. I have the mini diablo pet selected, other account has the panda so its not the same pets being used. I am not trying to battle my other account pet. Specifically what needs to be done to complete this quest? the fix, I had to log out of the other account completely and on that pc. Immediately it “unlocked” my current player. However the other pet,“panda” switched to my current player. i had to set my mini diablo as my favorite and put the panda as second and things are fine on this account. i will need to check the other account. This problem continues. Only one account can actually use the battle pet. It’s a pain. I can only surmise that there was some bug that people used so Blizzard musta put the brakes on this.

Problem here is that everyone logged onto same account is considered all the same person. Only the first one who logged on is eligible to do pet battles.

What you need to do is have both of you who are on at same time log off, then whoever comes back on first is the Pet Guy.

This has really bummed out some families when they catch on that dad and a daughter can’t do pet stuff at same time because they use same logon. But it also prevents cheating with PvP, same person can’t win trade with themselves.