Just got into game, went to kill some mobs and my spell icons are flashing. I play resto shaman so I have like 3.5-4 bars full flashing in my face. It’s really distracting, and I don’t know how I will be able to raid with this. Does anyone know how to turn this off? I’ve looked everywhere in the options menu and can’t find it, sobbing screaming throwing up crying. Thanks.
I don’t see a way to turn it off either. I agree that it’s annoying & seems pointless.
if anyone is able to figure it out, it would be very helpful as I agree with OP that it is so distracting that I’m having a hard time even in the open world doing any sort of quest at all. I even tried turning on photosensitive mode and it didn’t change it.
Agreed. It’s visual clutter, and an option to restore it would be nice. The single line to indicate a spells Cooldown was good enough. I do like the new proc icons though. And the horizontal cast time is fine too. It’s just the extra glow on the CD indicator.
Honestly I’m just shocked I can’t find a way to turn it off. Like they added motion sickness stuff for dragon riding but can’t have a lil toggle to stop something flashing at me?
It looks worthless and has been more distracting than helpful when playing feral pvp.
For me it is the redundancy of the casting time and cancel casting.
I don’t need to see an animation for this on the button and on the normal cast bar.
If there could be an option to turn it off for buttons that’d be nice.
visual clutter is a great way to describe it i don’t like the flashing or the cast bar animation on the ability buttons at all its Very distracting and makes it harder to see procs
The second I saw it happening, it made me irrationally angry. It needs to go lol
Yeah my spouse is has issues with it. Can’t even play the game. Many photo sensitivity issues. Gives them a huge headache.
I had to take migraine pills after 30mins with this new action bars.
For people who are easily distracted, the new flashing spells are really messing with me.
Please give us a way to revert it. I don’t care what your “youtuber and twitchers counsel of adding things no one actually wants” says, it was not a good idea.
You sir are a gem. This worked.
I’m using this to disable the flash that occurs on all buttons when you use an ability. If anyone can improve it, please let me know.
local frame=CreateFrame("Frame");
if (event=="PLAYER_LOGIN") then
local array = {"ActionButton", "MultiBarBottomLeftButton", "MultiBarBottomRightButton", "MultiBar5Button", "MultiBar6Button", "MultiBar7Button", "MultiBarRightButton", "MultiBarLeftButton"}
for _, v in pairs(array) do
local button = _G[v..i]
there has to be a simpler way than that Ö_ò
Does this fit into a macro?
You can possibly accomplish the same thing with:
/run hooksecurefunc("ActionButton_ShowOverlayGlow", function(self) self.SpellActivationAlert.ProcStartAnim:Stop() self.SpellActivationAlert:Hide() end)
Not really tested because I don’t use the default bars so…
Appreciate the attempt but it didn’t work.
I use bartender for some of my bars, and there is no flashing.
For my dots I use buttontimers addon, and thats where I see the flashing, well that and on the standard button bars.
I just don’t get why this wasn’t a toggle.