We’ve all seen our share of bad pugs and i knew this was going to happen to classic the moment they announced LFG was coming to the wotlk game.
However, when things do happen, whats the best way to handle the situation?
Me and my friends decided to take a friend through normal TOC.
This was not a heroic instance and this was not one of the new ICC dungeons.
This was just TOC. Our dps was well geared and we knew we wouldlnt have a problem with our tank gearing up so we came in. The rest of the guild was busy so we pugged a healer…and this was the response we got:
Cant post a screenshot here but here is the text from the screenshot
You receive item: [Argent Lance].
06:25 [Instance Leader] (Priesttitute-Faerlina: damn 2800 gs tank lol
06:25 [Instance Leader (Priesttitute-Faerlina: gl guys
Priesttitute-Faerlina has left the instance group.
06:25 [Party] [Hellzkiller: wow
06:25 [Party] [Valitha]: (M) ??
There is absolutely no reason to treat people like that.
When we did get a replacement healer, we went on and completed the instance very quickly and smoothly. However the situation has left a bad taste in my mouth because of how we were treated.
Hopefully yall have better experiences than we did.
Whats the best way to handle things like this? dont run pugs and do guild only runs? Just blow it off time after time after time?