I see plenty of people sharing code for Plater mods, which is great.
What I’m not clear on is what exactly I do with it. Where does it go? How do I apply it? It’s really not clear to me. Pasting this in the Mod Tab after “New Mod” just makes it all disappear. I’m quite perplexed here.
Like, if I wanted to apply this code I found online:
function (self, unitId, unitFrame, envTable, modTable)
if(not unitFrame.InCombat) then
local crane = Plater.NameplateHasAura(unitFrame, 228287)
if crane then
Plater.SetNameplateColor(unitFrame, "#934141" )
-- you can put any hex color code after the # in the above line if you want it to change to a different color
Could someone explain step by step what I do within the plater UI to apply this? Thank you.