How do I know when the next sandstorm is in Tanaris please?

I am trying to farm a pet here

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Can’t really. Park Alts in Tanaris on different servers and log them in periodically to check for sandstorms.


:frowning: it’s the last one I need for zookeeper I only just got lucky with minifernals finally


You don’t know. It just happens. For forty five seconds. Then it vanishes for two weeks.

Good luck! :smiley:

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45 seconds? that’s it?

well other timed events tend to have an addon maybe curse has one for it check for pet addons see if they do I mean even if they don’t your still no worse off

This stinks

You might check custom group finder. Once in a while someone makes a group when a sandstorm is up on their realm.

Slight hyperbole. It’s more likely to be 5-10 minutes.

But does it only come every 2 weeks?

I remember parking alts in STV for a rainy day pet…gorilla? Parking alts for other pets to spawn. Lots of other wait and wait and wait times. Still haven’t gotten the couple of pets in Draenor that shows up periodically.

That’s just pet collecting. Patience, perseverance and stubborn.


What pet? i remember going to tanaris for same pet but cant remember name. did you look on wowhead and warcraftpets for any info or tips?

Maybe. I have no idea, I just know it took forever for me to find all those damned weather-only spawn pets. Whatever the timers are, they suck.

not sure if itll work but try this one addon maybe itll help locate them

curseforge. com/wow/addons/pettracker

Same. I recall marking on my calendar for the ones only available during certain seasons. Then staying up late for the turtle in mop. I forget the events name…but yeah i have sacrificed much time and patience for those pets. :stuck_out_tongue:


Pets, fish, toys…these “easy” achievements and content aren’t that easy.


Yep. Gotta park them there. I remember having a toon parked in STV for that damn baby gorilla for a while.

yeah that silithid pet took me a week to find. i left an alt flying over one of the areas, would be the first character i logged into for the day and the last, with other log in checks thru the day. its all random unfortunately.

STV is easy because it only spawns when it rains and the entire zone is raining so no matter where you are youll always know when to head to the island

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A lot of times it’s raining in STV and not on the island. And it certainly didn’t rain much back then (was in Pandaria). Took me weeks, logging in multiple times a day to check.