Hey, so I am taking the time before the expansion to learn how to play all the classes I never touched much and am working on Restoration Druid right now and have a question on how to Interrupt.
The best way I have found is to shift into cat form and use Skull bash but this seems really crap as if trying to heal people the time it takes to switch forms, bash, switch back then continue healing just seems really clunky.
I thought maybe I could use Ursol’s Vortex but from what that sounds like it would not work on someone standing there casting something as it only pulls them if they are moving.
I then thought Cyclone but that makes them invulnerable for 6 sec which seems like the last thing you would want to do to an enemy…
But I am a complete noob to this class just branching out and trying new things so am I wrong about how these work? or am I missing something? how do you interrupt as a restoration druid?
If the target can be knocked around we have Typhoon or stunned/dis orientated Mighty Bash/incap Roar, outside of that it’s not our issue .
But in all honesty it’s hard to pick certain talents as you give up something else… but that’s cause our horrendous class tree.
It’s either get Oakskin or Incap Roar… and I’m sorry I go Oakskin every time. I need to live. But that’s because I like Frenzied Regeneration aswell. So it’s hard do I want utility or survivability, it sucks to make certain choices.
For many a season we’ve had to basically either roar, vortex/typhoon, or tauren stomp to make em stop. Eventually you learn which interrupts in a dungeon need to be hard interrupted and then you can do your best to be prepared and already in catform to make it happen but generally resto druid is NOT the one you want to have designated to a very important interrupt for exactly that reason. It has always been wildly inconvenient for us vs other healers to interrupt. I pray to the Blizzard dev team that they’d made skull bash work with fluid form for this reason but alas my prayers go unanaswered.
It takes practice and druid is honestly a higher skill cap class than…probably any other class in the game. You have to set aside alot of keybindings for forms, and each form has strengths/weaknesses. That being said, you can make a macro where you just hit Skullbash, and it automatically switches you to catform. I used to have one, I’ll see if I can dig it up.
Other than that you can spec Incapacitating Roar and Typhoon.
P.S. Wasn’t able to find it but you can use a macro that takes 2 button presses, but atleast its the same button. This will basically put you into cat form and then the same button will cast Skull Bash; Since it is off the GCD you wont have to wait:
#showtooltip Skull Bash
/cast Cat Form
/cast Skull Bash
Cool thx for the replies guys I appreciate it, I will practice it a bit and see if i can get used to it I just wanted to make sure I was not being stupid and missing something. But the class is really fun so far, my only fear with it at this point is that the dot healing will suck with the state of the game where everything is giant bursts of dmg that you have to heal instantly or it is a wipe… But that is probably just a skill issue on my side but really hoping that Blizzard changes the state of healing so it is not always an emergency haha.