How do I go about inviting my xfaction alts to my guild?

I’m sending the alts the join code. Is this not correct?

The join link is meant to be posted in the comm. Then when your alts are in the comm, all they need to do is click that text link.

I had did that once and when i relogged to my alt, no link was there. It should it be there?

Yes. It should remain in the chat history. Make sure you are opening the correct window. The comm window.

Thanks so much for your assistance. I’ll start over . fingers crossed

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My added remix for the COMPLETE solution in one answer as of Dragonflight 10.2.6 inspired by Amamage-wyrmrest-accord and Trustlvlfour:
If you are the guild leader…

Create a Community, make it Cross Faction.

Invite your Horde Characters to the Community

Invite them by creating a guild link and post it into the community

Relog alt, have it click the link

Relog guild inviter and have that character accept the alt

Now the cycle is a 100% complete!

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How to Invite Cross-Faction Alts to Your Personal Guild

lmao …I LITERALLY just posted a youtube video a week or so ago…now I cant.
this forum is a joke

Still works as of 22 June 2024. Note that you only need your GM and your first cross-faction alt to join the Community if the alt can post recruitment ads once promoted to Officer. So:

  1. Open Guild to recruitment: log onto your Guild Master, click on the Guild & Communities button, click on Recruitment and check your Guild is Listed in Guild Finder for your alt’s role

  2. Create a Guild recruitment Community: Click on create a new Community, click on the Community Settings button & check the “Cross-faction” box & set to Recruiting

  3. Invite your alt to the Community: click on the Invite Member button, create an invite link for your specific alt, and copy it

  4. Create a Guild Invite in Community chat: type something in Community Chat and open the chat in a new window by right-clicking on the chat name. Click on your Guild, click on Invite Member, and click on Link Post in community Chat (you may have to prefix the link with the Community channel number e.g. /5 [Guild: ] )

  5. Apply to the Community with your alt: log onto the Alt & paste the link (this didn’t work for me, it may take time for the server to recognise the cross-faction flag? So I searched for the Community and applied that way)

  6. Accept the Community application: log back to GM & accept the application by clicking on the Roster Tab, select “Applicants” from the drop down top-right & click Invite

  7. Apply to the Guild with your alt: log back to alt, click on Guild & Communities button, click on the Guild invite in your community chat

  8. Accept the application to Guild: log back to GM, click on the Guild & Communities button, click on the Roster tab, select “Applicants” from the drop-down button in the top right, and accept the application

  9. Accept the Invite: log back to alt, click on Guild & Communities button, click on "Invited to in top left, and accept the invitation

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Thank you, It worked for me.

This seems to no longer work. I’m guessing our pre-patch for War Within broke it like many other things.

This method works. I just used it today to get my horde alts on WrA into my alliance personal guild on MG.


Yeah it’s tricky. Lots of hoops to jump through, and details to ensure, like clicking the community tab before pasting the guild recruitment address.

There is a seriously easy way… you ask a friend.

or if you are lazy like me, a second account.

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