How do I go about finding groups for Mythic dungeons?

Hey guys.

I’m a returning player from Wrath and I just hit item level 370. (WQ gears and AH BoE pieces).

I want to start getting into mythic dungeons but I am not sure where to go. I been relying a lot on the group finder but it only queues you up till Heroic tier dungeons.

Is the custom group tab the only way to go about finding a group in game? I can’t really do guilds because of my work requires random OT time so I won’t be able to commit to a scheduled dungeon/raid.

What do you guys suggest I should do to get into Mythic dungeons more consistently?



Yes, the premade group finder is the only way. Make sure that you’re looking for the terms “regular mythic”, "mythic 0, or “m0”.

You also may have a tough time getting invites if you are not a tank.

  • Go to premade group menu
  • Select ‘dungeons’
  • Select the BFA dungeon you want
  • Select the base mythic (‘mythic’) or keystone mythic (‘mythic+’) difficulty level you want
  • Click search

Alternatively type in a mythic keystone difficulty level in the search box near top of the menu such as ‘+3’ to see ALL mythic keystone dungeons at difficulties 2-4 (ie. one below up to one above your target)

Additional points

  • Most players label the base mythic dungeons (‘mythic’) as ‘mythic 0’ such as ‘motherlode 0’
  • If you don’t meet the ilvl requirement the group leader set for the group you will NOT see the group in any search, the only way to join such groups is to have the group leader directly invite you
  • base mythic dungeons (mythic 0) have a weekly loot lockout each, keystone mythic dungeons (+2 or above) have NO loot lockout regardless of difficulty or dungeon, you are ALWAYS eligible for loot if you are in the group and you completed the dungeon to yield the chest

And as druid above me said trying to pug mythic dungeons as a DPS is extremely hard because there are 100 geared DPS players applying to these same dungeons for every tank/healer player, so I would recommend you do this

  • get some tanking gear (ie. weapon + shield + azerite traits) and learn to play protection
  • make a mythic 0 (‘mythic’) dungeon group of your own choosing
  • pick players to make your group, complete the dungeon
  • boss of dungeon will drop a random +2 mythic keystone
  • make a new group titled appropriately for your keystone and start ‘pushing’ your key, ‘pushing’ means you try to complete a mythic keystone in the specified timer such that you get a NEW random keystone of a higher difficulty level

no guilds or friends are required for this process or for running mythic dungeons in general, but as in all WoW premade group activities such things can always help



Tanks are expected to know everything about the dungeon - routes, mechanics, affixes, everything. Learning by pushing your own random key may not be the best way to do this. I recommend learning one dungeon at a time - first on mythic 0, then on higher keys. You won’t have much trouble getting invites.

i forgot to make that point

since you will clearly be learning the mythic dungeons either put ‘learning group’ in title of your own group you make or look for ‘chill/learning’ groups when joining groups

either way start at 0 or +2 to learn things, don’t jump ahead of the line just because your gear level (whatever it is at the time) suggests you should do a higher difficulty level

What server are you on?

Even if you are not on a regular schedule you may still find being in a good sized guild beneficial for mythic + because, in my experience, guilds tend to run these all over the day/night. My guild has a bunch of people who don’t raid because of scheduling conflicts but who still do mythic dungeons. If I have a key I’m pushing I’ll ask around my guild before listing a group. I can usually get at least one or two people and often a full group especially for a low key (everyone has alts).

WB Lazy, you can search for mythic groups under the premade dungeons section. However If I may suggest as you get higher keystones try to make friends, run mythic + with guildies or create your own group. This way it will better your experience running them and you won’t have to worry if someone rage quits (Yes, this does happen, sometimes way too often than I think it should).

This? This was a lot more helpful than just trying to ask in Trade chat.

Literally just tried that, and this guy replied with “Play the Game” as if that’s any help at all. Exploded when I tried pointing out how unhelpful that was.


Holy necroed thread batman!

And the answer will always be the same to such concerns:

  1. Play tank/heal
  2. Host your own key (get one from M0 if you don’t have one)
  3. Start with runs labelled “learning group” or “completion group” or something similar
  4. Talk with people and make some friends along the way to play with them in the future, use guild members, etc.
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  1. Join a guild. Yes even for people with irregular schedules. Most guilds I have been in have had casuals who play when they can and people like being around because they are good chat. They arnt in for any prog raids but if they are on they are more than welcome in heroic and can sometimes pick up some early mythic kills.

I know this is an old thread but as a returning player after quite a few years, this thread has been extremely helpful. Kudos to everyone who participated or gave advice, much appreciated and much love.

One question (still learning), once you get to higher dungeons like +5 (or whatever number you like), do the keys in your bag actually show this? Will the key say +5?

Again, great thread.

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The key does tell you its level, as well as what dungeon it is and the affixes it has to attached to it.

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Awesome. Thanks for the response.

Another question or two----

I did a few M+ dungeons but at the end, I can’t seem to teleport out. I right-click my portrait and look around the screen but I can’t seem to find anything to get me out, so I tend to use my hearthstone to leave. Am I doing something wrong?

Also, is there any type of recommendation on what number M+ you should do based on your gear? In other words, my iLvL is 399. Is there a M+ dungeon level I should be doing?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.

No, you hearth out of every difficulty past the queue.

Gear isn’t really a limiting factor in mythic plus. You could do 20s in 385 with enough skill and knowledge. I’d recommend trying a level and moving up as you get comfortable. You’ll hit a wall that will prevent you from succeeding eventually. Then you practice until that level is more comfortable. Ad infinitum.

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Again, awesome. Thanks for the response.

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Sometimes the dungeon might have an NPC at the end to take you back to the start but no, you aren’t doing anything wrong. Groups for Mythic+ aren’t assembled by the group finder, you aren’t teleported there and put back where you were after they end, you fly there and summon eachother and then leave and go about your business as normal. The teleporting automatically thing is only for queued content like heroic dungeons and LFR.

It’s difficult to say, for all gear does make a difference player performance is also heavily reliant on your proficiency with your spec / the game as a whole. Just as you can overgear content, you can perform well above the rate of what’s expected and also succeed.

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Got it. This is great information. Appreciate all the help.