How do i get to SW from the night elf starting zone at level 1?

theres a level 10 restriction on the usual portal in rut theran.

Yea go to google or youtube and type the same thing you did here onto there :slightly_smiling_face:

Take the boats til you find Wetlands then walk to Ironforge. Purple portal in Darnassus goes to the dock, take first boat, then go to the other side of the second dock and take the second boat. There’s orcs in the tunnels between Wetlands and Dun Morogh closer to Wetlands side, so be careful. Crocs can wander up close to the road in Wetlands too. Then take the train to Stormwind.


Ask a mage for a port

Or a warlock for a summon. Or have a couple of people summon you to the Stockades.


Oh Geesh, you have a long way to travel you go to Darkshore take a boat to Menethil harbor run,dye to Ironforge take the train to Sw.

Why do you want a level 1 NE in Stormwind?

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LOL, easier said than done, that’s the main reason why I made this Mage, no one ports even when you offer gold.

Porting will get you there at level 1 but running to there give exp and levels.

Retail: There is a portal on the boat docks that will take you there…
Classic: Boat to Menthil Harbor and then a death run to Ironforge where you can take the tram

Death Run = all of the mobs in the zone will be aggro’d to you, and they will kill you over, you rez, they kill, you rez etc…

Both versions: Buy a port from a mage, or get a warlock to summon, or have other players use the summoning stone near the stockades.

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I remember the old days where in order to join a guild, (rp server requirement) part of your story involved you having to make it to menethil harbor from Ironforge where your “courier” would meet you.

Ahhh…old rp times.

One of my favourite nights in WoW was taking my level 7 NE Rogue to Stormwind back in TBC.

  • Boat to Darkshore
  • Run to Mor’shan Rampart. Stealth past. Get noticed and run.
  • Stealth to Duskwallow. Run to Theremore.
  • Take boat to Menethil Harbour.
  • Swim along the shore to Westfall.
  • Stealth across Westfall to Elwynn.
  • Run to Stormwind.

I could have asked a Mage to port me but it wouldn’t have been as much fun.


I haven’t seen a boat to anywhere except Darkshore in years.

This is really the only way now.

But honestly, it’s faster to just level to 10 in Teldrassil. lol


You can swim right into Stormwind Harbour now.

Some people prefer different leveling experiences.

My my my they really screwed you all over

I award you the Necrolord of the Day title. :ribbon:

Realm: Moon Guard

OP: Level to 10? It would have been faster than making this thread lol

Damn I was going to say that.

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There is actually a carbot episode about this.