How do I get the War Within intro cinemetic to stop playing?

I have a lot of alts, pretty much no main. On one character, I have completed the campaign storyline, and on various others I have clicked “I’ve heard this story before” when talking to Thrall / Jaina (and getting another opportunity to see the “how did we get here” cinematic). But for all I can tell on all my characters the intro cinematic wants to play every time I log on to them. “From the moment the Dark Titan Sargeras plunged his colossal blade into our world, crucial events were set in motion…”

What do I need to do / achieve / complete in order to make the game stop trying to tell me the history every time I log onto a level 70+ character? It’s not a big deal to press ESC, and it’s not that it’s a bad storyline, but if there’s a way to streamline this it would be a QOL improvement!


Exactly my issue. 22 toons and auto play cinematic every time i switch. It was great but getting less interesting with every ESCape LOL


I’m getting the same thing, it is getting very old.


Exit game, delete the cache folder in your retail and see if that helps.


Good suggestion. Didn’t quite work for me but appreciate the response

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Blizzard can’t be bothered with small details like that. How else are they going to maintain their Indy status?


I have encountered the same problem but somehow it was solved. It may be related to following conditions:

(1) Completed The War Within campaign.
(2) Watched the cinematic once full length without skipping.
(3) Have 3 characters at level 80.

I don’t know which one is the deciding factor but when I happened to finish all these things, the second time the cinematic showed up, I clicked skip. Then the cinematic never played again!

For the love of all that is holy, MAKE. IT. STOP.

From the moment the Dark Titan Sargeras plunged his colossal blade…I DON’T CAREEEEEEE!!!


Mine doesn’t do that. I wonder what’s different.

I know I’ve watched it all the way through in the game at least once.

pretty sure it is this one.

I watched the entire cinematic the first time, as I always do, and I have not seen it since.

Yeah, I do/did the same. That didn’t make a difference. Not only did I watch it all the way through the first time, I’ve tried it several times, since.

I still get the cutscene every time I log in with a character that is at a level eligible for TWW.

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huh. weird then.

when I log in, it takes me straight to my Character select and I never see the cinematic.

This was happening to me for quite a while then stopped when I upgraded my PC and started on a fresh drive. It had been an old wow install that was around for a while so you might try a full uninstall and deletion of folders then reinstall it.

It finally stopped after I got 3 level 80s. 20 years and Blizzard is still buggy AF.

I have completed the campaign, watched it all the way through on 2 characters, have 5 80’s and it still plays. it’s getting old.

I haven’t found a consensus on a fix searching online.

However, apparently using this addon is a workaround: fuba’s Cinematic Skipper - World of Warcraft Addons - CurseForge.

From what I gathered from chatter online, eventually it goes away / possibly when you’ve completed enough of the campaign. So download the addon and after a month or two turn it off, see if your issue has resolved itself.

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I have used this addon but it stops the complete of some quests. Have to turn it off, complete the quest and turn it back on.

Looking at the addon Curseforge page, there’s an option to use a modifier key to disable it temporarily. Maybe try using that instead of disabling the whole addon :slight_smile:.

There’s also a command to look through the addon options, maybe scroll through that.

This happens to me too, but not on my main account. I’m a multi-boxer and I have a lot of extra accounts. On a couple of the extra accounts, I noticed this happening because I don’t have any level 80s on some yet. I also tried watching it all the way through, that didn’t stop it. I even did like some of the quests in the campaign, that didn’t stop it. It’s really annoying. I just know to have my finger on the escape button to end the cut scene torture asap when I login to those accounts!

There are two different API functions for skipping cinematics, separated by a distinction of whether or not the cinematic is pre-rendered or an in-engine one. Sounds like this addon just has both calls. There’s source out on Reddit to make a small addon yourself. The API call that targets pre-rendered cinematics passes an argument that gets populated with the cinematic ID (1024 for the TWW cinematic). It’s just a simple case of creating a UI element, binding the “PLAY_MOVIE” event, looking for a movie played with ID 1024 and invoking a couple functions to make it go away:

local function OnEvent(frame, event, arg1)
  local movieID = arg1;

  if event == "PLAY_MOVIE" then
    DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Cinematic with ID " .. arg1 .. " played.", 1, 1, 0);
    if movieID == 1024 then
      local userCanceled = true;
      CinematicFinished(Enum.CinematicType.GameMovie, userCanceled);
      DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Sargeras cinematic cancelled", 1, 1, 0);

local frame = CreateFrame("Frame");
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent);

Source not mine. Can’t find original now. I did edit it to include in-game cinematics during the Warlords TW. Those cinematics were excessive and overused.

This didn’t work for me.

I stopped receiving logs in chat before this.

And this.

Also did this.

Likewise, my install was to a fresh drive.

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