How do I get rid of the annoying zzZ by my character’s icon? I’m not afk and it’s just distracting.
Get out of a rested area
I’ve wondered why my character did that… I would get why they’d do it while doing an idle animation… but why when i’m running?? lulz
I think it’s a neat little cue. But I’m sure there will be a “No-Doz” add on in the very near future to suppress it.
It was always there, but not really animated. I don’t mind it though.
I find it so annoying and unnecessary
Its to show you’re in a rested area. So you know you can log off there and get rested exp on alts. Or instant log out instead of waiting on the timer.
And change talents but that isnt an issue anymore.
Use a Unit Frame addon. Like Sahdowed Unit Frames.
There’s a toggle option with Leatrix Plus.
I don’t even notice it now. But I’m sure there’s addons to hide it.
Addons is always the answer
Leatrix Plus is a must for me. It’s my favorite addon.