How do I get rid of pet healthbars while showing nameplates?


in the interface settings, under names Enemy Players > Minions and Enemy Units > Minions are unchecked - yet I can’t seem to get rid of enemy player pet healthbars

Over the years players have gotten more pets, bigger pets, menageries of pets all alive at the same time - they have a lot of health, they’re practically as hard to kill as players (and therefore seldom to never worth targeting).

I utilize nameplates quite a bit to navigate targeting in battlegrounds and the world; and sometimes I get swarmed by giant pet / giant pet health-bars. How do i get rid of these?

I believe there is an add on. I will have to check once I am home.

please do, Ive hated this as well.

shameless bump

i still have not found a solution.
player nameplates are very useful in battlegrounds / arenas
pet healthbars I can’t get rid of while displaying nameplates are nearly useless
somehow over the years player pets have become more difficult to kill than players while sometimes coming in 3s and fours while being the size of an armored personnel vehicle. I need ways to get rid of the screen real-estate they take up

It’s in the interface settings of maybe the social tab. Look for enemy nameplates and below it will have minions and something else.

I have them all turned on and use Plater addon. Then go into the plater settings and shrink the size of pets so I can still see important things like counterstrike totem.

www wowace com/projects/overhead?page= 2
this is the add on that was suggested to me by a guild member.

There’s an option to turn on/off the names of Minions for friendly and enemy players. That may be what you’re looking for.

Under Raid Profile, you can turn off/on the option to display your raid’s pets.

unfortunately that only gets rid of names. when nameplates (healthbars) are turned on you get swarmed with the healthbars of however many pets are on you at any given moment.

At a glance in a chaotic battleground it’s easy to mistake the red healthbar of a pet for the red healthbar of a deathknight.

It’s in there, just tick only show enemy players, and untick pets

Having the same issue, years later: