How do i get my wrathguard

to swap to a different weapon? darn thing has been using a basic sword the entire time ive had him >:O

talking about the glyph, Glyph of the Wrathguard, not the basic felguard

You need the Glyph of The Felguard AND Wrathguard
At least that’s what I heard, could be wrong

Wait no I’m wrong

You need to have the glyph of felguard applied as well and you need a weapon in your bags for your felguard/wrathguard to take the appearance of.

if you have multiple weapons in your bag it will pick a random one.

You can’t do it with the wrathguard. Glyph of Felguard lets the felguard use a weapon appearance, but you can’t use glyph of wrathguard and glyph of felguard at the same time

I have the Glyph of the Wrathguard equipped and my Wrathguard is using a TBC 2H sword from my inventory for its weapon appearance.

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You only need to have the glyph of wrathguard. The two glyphs are mutually exclusive, so you obviously can’t have both, but the glyph of felguard is baked into the glyph of wrathguard. so get out your favorite 2h weapon and shove it in your backpack.

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Yeah they’re right. You just need a 2h weapon and Wrathguard

Make sure the weapon is in your backpack (default bag), i believe it only works from that bag

Actually no, it’ll pick it from anywhere in your bags at random. I tried to keep other ones handy in my bags so that i could switch them out whenever i changed transmogs, but it would select randomly between them no matter where they were in my bag.

So keep all the weapons you don’t want in the bank.

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Thats good to know, i think it used to only pick fron the backpack, or im confusing it with the old warrior weapon master glyph and just doing it our it habit.

No, your right, i believe it is still supposed to pick it from just the backpack bag, but it doesn’t.

A quick question: does it select a random weapon everytime you summon the wrathguard or is it just the first time when you apply the glyph?

Every time

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It works from all of my bags, so I only carry one weapon

If you have Glyph of the Wrathguard " <3 " He should be able to carry the appearance of it. (1 handed to two handed), as long as it’s in your back packs. They also carry pole arms as well and will sometimes duel wield pole arms.