How do I get my old ui back

But… they have no obligation to tell you anything. Are you getting it yet? They’ve anounced that DF comes with a new UI, so that’s what you have now.

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They don’t even owe you a explanation on why they did this or that its in the terms of service you agreed too… in reality if you dont like it this game may not be for you idk…

That’s some assumption there, and you know what they say about assumptions.

I have tried the new UI. In fact, I was on PTR for months to get used to it and the talent trees. In fact, I can tell you, in painful detail, everything I tried to make it work for me. I can tell you what can and cannot be done, especially to the elements I find important.

The new UI is a fail. It is a fail because it went only part way to where it should be and broke things that were fine. The fact there are TWO console commands they didn’t incorporate but that I’ve had to macro to fix some of those issues shows that it wasn’t impossible for them to add.

The randomness of each additional option is bizarre. The fact that you can’t resize everything or at least most things is bizarre. The fact that I have to get 3-4 addons and maybe more where before I had none is ridiculous.

And the look? Well, that’s subjective and to me it looks like a wannabe Candy Crush interface, using wingdings for icons.

I know some people like it and good for them. Truly. But you’re looking at the UI from someone who isn’t struggling to get things working and you should be a little more thoughtful to people with issues.

If the UI was flawless, there’d still be unhappy people. But this implementation is quite flawed and has a long way to go and not a peep out of Blizzard about any of it.


While they may have no legal obligation, true, they have not provided a working product either. It’s a half-baked attempt at one and yes, they will get away with it as long as people throw money at them.

Perhaps that’s what they’re going for: How far can they cut things (and hence overhead) and still make money.

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How do either of you guys know this? It’s not your place to say what a corporation owes anyone. Whether they say something or not isn’t going to sway my feelings. I’m already getting used to the new system, so the new UI alone won’t cause me to leave the game. What I keep saying is it’s not your place to say what Blizz should or shouldn’t do. It just makes you look like a sad shill for a billion dollar corporation. Do you understand that?

Because the terms you agreed to before playing this game say so.

And that is not what I’m doing, I’m simply telling you they don’t have to. Initially I didn’t even tell you this, I was responding to countless entitled children demanding their UI back.

I really couldn’t care less about people who think like this.

i didn’t say it they did with Terms of service…

Where did either of US shill we simply STATED which you are so thick to see that the TERMS OF SERVICE DURRRR says so…

The best question is did you…

My playerframe on this character only is sized at about 1000% normal and resets to this default every single time I go through any loading screen. I don’t even want that frame present but I cannot find a way to hide it.

Sorry you cannot get your old ui back my suggestion…(this might sting) remove all your add ons and go with the ui they gave you.after fooling around with it beta and pre patch you need to go into the option menu…to mess with it and then go to the edit mode.

I find it amusing how the “new” UI is so very similar to my custom UI I was using back in Wrath. Same basic layout, just different style choices.

I was really surprised, it doesn’t look terrible. I didn’t think the current team was capable of doing anything this good. Not sure if I like it, but it’s not horrible.

Wouldn’t it be likely that there will be mods to make the UI look more like the old style?

When you open “edit mode” focus on the box designated as, “player frame,” move the frame size slider all the way to the left (reducing size), move the player frame wherever you want it, HIT SAVE on the HUD edit mode box and it should save it to the new size (note: not to be a pedantic tw@t, but you can only increase the player frame size about 200% bigger; 1000% would be comical, as it would occupy nearly the entire screen).

One more thing to be aware of is the LAYOUT drop down menu.
It seems to default to global settings, so you must choose whatever layout (name) you first saved the initial layout as which would be located UNDER your character’s name in that drop down menu.

As I save:

After I reload or go through any loading screen:

Also to be a bit of a tw@t this frame size is clearly larger than 200% so I’m going to stand by my hyperbole.

I’m sure it’s an addon I have that is interfering with this particular part of my UI but it’s just such a pain as I do not even want that frame in the first place.

Nice - still plenty of entitled jerks who think Blizzard will bend at their whim!!

Lol, the casuals burned that bridge down. You all raged over epics, you got them with BC and WotLK - threatening to leave if you didn’t… and you still left!

Yeah, Blizzard will continue to listen to the causal player… sure.

Well, it’s hard for any of us to believe this because there is a check box for everything. It’s all there. Literally all there. You just have to move/adjust to your liking. Save it when you’re done.

You’d be the first I’ve heard that it won’t save for, etc. Are you running on an aging PC or something?

Literally, it’s not all there. Seriously. Have you actually read the posts of many of the people have written?

I’ve listed, repeatedly, on several threads what you can’t modify. I dare you to try to resize bags, menubar, mini-map, quest box, time, mail and tracking icons with the Edit function alone.

If you can, then show me how. I really find it hard to believe that posters are so arrogant (though this is GD, what am I typing?) that they repeatedly say things like ‘it’s all there’ but when I challenge them on this, they can’t show me.

I know, thanks to the helpful posters on this forum, that you can resize the bags, minimap and menubar with a couple of console commands that you have to macro and run every time you load your UI which is a right royal PiA.

You can also resize everything larger, but the things that cannot be resized, like the quest box (and don’t say you can make it taller or shorter, that’s not resizing) take up a good chunk of your screen.

You also cannot resize the gryphon/dragon bar. You can remove it, but if you want two action bars, side by side, your only option is to remove it.

And no, I’m not on an ‘ancient’ computer. I’ve built my own computer and it’s pretty near high end. My laptop is a months old gaming laptop, again, towards the higher end of things.

Yes, I’m salty, because I’m rather tired of repeating myself. I could ignore such statements and often do, but this has become a button for me. I don’t play on a 55 inch TV screen, I play on a laptop screen most often as I am often away from my desktop at home when I can play.

There are those with vision issue who are having the same problems due to things not resizing.

I deal with changes as part of my job. I deal with computers and the new and different every single day. I’m not computer illiterate. Part of the reason I’m irate is the poor implementation and rollout of the UI.


"… Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner
But he knew it couldn’t last
Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona
For some California grass

Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back Jojo" - Paul McCartney (Lennon McCartney)

I hate this UI. Its like those old web pages that would have 100 pop ups overlaying each other. Why wouldn’t they add an option to just go back to the old UI. I canceled because of this. I know others who have also. Was hoping it went back or had an option to go back to our old UI. So cheap looking.

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Why do you need a magnifying glass to see the icons now? :face_with_monocle: I’m glad so many like it, but they really should have put an option to stick with the original.