How do I get into LFR for BfA?

I’m trying to get into LFR Battle of Dazar’alor to get some appearances, but I can’t find anybody to talk to in order to get in.

Anybody know how I can get in, or at least get the appearances?

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BfA is the previous expansion. You don’t get to LFR for those dungeons or raids anymore. You have to fly to the entrance and walk in.

afaik they don’t add the lfr npc for an xpac until it becomes “legacy” content, I THINK they put one in for legion about halfway through bfa, but they did weird things with the legion raids and legacy settings.

There has been an npc that you speak to in the past that lets you run the lfr difficulty.

Still looking for the BFA one.

Edit: doesn’t look like there is one yet. From what I read is that it will be added in 9.1.


But I can’t set difficulty to LFR for the raid so that I get the colorations on the tmogs. Unlucky I guess.

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The NPC to queue for old LFR wings is usually the same NPC who gave you the weekly event quests back when the expansion was current.

If he doesn’t offer it yet then it’s not yet available.

This would have been good to know a long time ago. Why can’t they just put it in the LFR tool? Bah.


You never could. For BfA you will have to wait until they add the NPC. Its probably would not able to be solo ran at this time anyways with what people are saying about scaling issues of older content.

They put the one for Legion in earlier than normal because BFA sucked :confused:

now added


While it’s technically a “solo queue” you might want to bring a party on these.

Yes, you can queue for LFR BFA now through the turtle npc. I would recommend a party of 5 though. Norm and heroic you need at least 10. 15 for mythic.

Should be called “Eppu - Keeper of histories”. A turtle. Talk to him and he will let you pick an LFR wing for BFA. Also, LFR is usually solo and not meant for a group

Never did them in a large group, but are you saying they do not scale to the group size of 10+?

BFA raids haven’t been nerfed and our ilvl is too low to go ham. So you need to account for mechanics and dps checks. It’s not too much of an issue for norm or heroic but mythic definitely requires a certain minimum or you guarantee a failed run.

Actually I’m make a thread about this. Some people need some educamation.

Yeah, but as that was the last expansion, we haven’t really grown in power level enough to reliably solo much of that yet. A fair amount of the late Legion LFR content still couldn’t be soloed by the typical player even in the days leading up to SL pre-patch.

I expect BfA LFR to be doable within a small group, but I don’t think we’re to the point where people can blatantly ignore mechanics and quickly nuke down bosses yet. While it is technically correct to call it a solo LFR queue, it’s likely only going to be doable for a small handful as of now assuming they are very well geared, and even then I don’t expect someone to be doing the late raids until much later in this expansion if at all.