I am a returning player and can already see the cycle this game continues on. Dead server after dead server. Fresh after fresh. Is there a way we (devs) can create a HC mode that only lets you have 1 toon per faction? I am sure this is a good idea because the company loves money and think about how many accounts will be created to get that edge! It is a win win. Players get an opportunity at hardcore and others can spend money to not play hardcore while playing hardcore.
What would be the positive in this?
Well everytime you die, you would start fresh and the server would stay fresh longer. Currently the servers become so saturated with bank alts that when someone dies, it isnt even really starting from 0 again. You still have the gold and items. Just my opinion. You can disagree and that is fine.
People run multiple accounts to run summoning services across the the world. Needing to run one additional account for a bank alt is trivial.
A SF server is the answer.
Well I would be greatly pissed off by this. Not because I have a bank alt (I have, but as I’m soo great at earning G he has now he gloripus amount of 72 G - yes I have a level 60, go on laugh).
I do NOT send myself Starting money, but only use them on the character, I earned them om. … or as a reward if I ever reach 60 with another one
But I always have at least one of each of the class/race combos I play as back ups for when I die. They are level 10, and sit a an inn. This makes starting over from 0 bearable.
When I die, I play the next one and in off times I level a new back up from 1 to 10 - rinse and repeat.
I would take super long breaks if I did not have this option.
Yes … and no. I play almost SSF as is, but I would HATE to be forced to vendor that random blue … it always drops on the one not able to use it, and AH’ng these is what makes me money for mounts