How do I get from Orgrimmar to Undercity in 8.1.5?

How do I get from Orgrimmar to Undercity in 8.1.5?

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The zeppelin has been replaced with a portal, but it’s still in the same place. If you’re going to the new version of the zone, a bronze dragon will be where you appear, and can revert the zone to the earlier version.


I was recently in grommash hold and there was a portal to uc. Maybe it had recently been opened by a player mage and I didn’t notice but it seemed out of place. Granted I hadn’t been to grommash hold since the saurfang storyline

Is there a reason the Zeppelins are gone? Why they had to be replaced by a portal?

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Probably easier to make a portal work than a zepp that might drop you off in the ocean

To be honest, they missed an opportunity with a Andorhal revamp.

Would also give The Alliance that upper eastern kingdoms portal we no longer have.

It’s because Brill was destroyed in the assault on the Undercity.

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Ask a Mage.


But wouldn’t that make the game feel more alive?

Also easier to remove the portal in 2028 when they decide to rewrite history about always removing old portals.

You shut your eyes, click your heals togeather three times and repeat “there no place like before 8.15”