I’m using /cast [@focus] Divine Toll and judging from what I read on the forum, Wowhead, and Reddit, if you cast it on an ally, it should only target allies, right? I’m trying to get 5 glimmers on my teammates but this random targeting, even hitting CC targets, it’s grating.
This has to be a bug, right?
There are 3 possibilities
- cast on an ally, DT only casts on allies
- cast on an ally, DT only casts on enemies
- regardless of whom you cast on, targets will be chosen randomly
I’ve been leaning towards #2: it behaves like holy prism.
ive played all through sl and i have never once seen dtoll break a hard cc unless i had glimmer already applied. I have had a lot of cases where full group heals dont happen though and unfortunately i dont know any good fix for it.
Not quite true. One of the shocks always lands on the target, and the other four are random. I’m pretty sure I’ve broken CC with it from time to time, and I’ve definitely aggro’d otherwise passive mobs with it. That’s part of the fun of it!
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I’m not familar with how Holy’s version works, however you could add the [help] condition to the macro. This is normally a target conditioning however it may affect the additional targets, moght be worth a try.
Use the spell without a macro, i had to turn mine off to get it to only affect allies
I could be wrong, but after some testing on beta and pre patch i think it prioritizes its random targets based off what you are targeting. If you are targeting your party/raid, it will prioritize within that group. If you are targeting enemies/enemy players, it will prioritize within that group…This is purely based off of what ive seen in my own experiences doing M+ on my holy paladin. everytime i click the tank or DPS and cast divine toll, my group seems to get more holy shocks than the enemys. and vice versa…Maybe a Mouseover Macro could work??
/cast [@mouseover] Divine Toll
They have changed something with how it works with the pre-patch for sure. Before, if I cast it on anyone in the party, it would apply 5 glimmers hitting all 5 group members. Now, I can cast it directly on someone and it won’t even hit them at all, and only apply 2-3 glimmers to the party. I actually haven’t seen it apply 5 glimmers even once since the pre-patch.
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It didn’t used to work like this – it used to hit all 5 party members 100% of the time if you targeted a friendly.
I too have noticed this. Does anyone know ?
So there is a combination of issues with Divine Toll that seems to mess people up.
Its both a change they made to targeting w/mouseover and the action targeting setting.
If you have action targeting turned off, when you have an enemy selected and mouseover an ally, Divine Toll will hit enemies.
If you have action targeting turned on, even if you have an ally selected, Divine Toll will still hit enemies.
If you have action targeting turned off and an ally selected, then it will heal allies.
Shown here. https://youtu.be/YgZsFyd406I
This macro works for me with action targeting off.
#showtooltip Divine Toll
/cast Divine Toll
cast on a target the first one will always hit your target after that targets are chosen by closest ally or enemy to your target randomly.
That will put you back on your crusader strike target at the end.
I left that off purposefully for me. I tend to mash more than press and the targetlasttarget will sometimes cause me to cast damage casts which I never ever want to do with divine toll(in this macro since since its Holy/healing focused)
For Crusader strike I use a different macro so I can hit the closest thing standing in front of me. Works well on Sennarth to drive by any tiny spiders. Again only used in holy spec since I typically dont care who I hit as long as I hit.
#showtooltip Crusader Strike
/cast Crusader Strike
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Im not sure that is accurate. If you look at this timestamp part below you can see when its healing it only heals. There are damage targets closer but it only healed and that is reproducible every time I cast it under the conditions in the video.