I’ve been spaming bountiful tier 8 delves for 3 weeks now. I have filled out my great vault each week, but I’ve never seen one drop and a player the other day told me to do them, but when I looked it up it says it’s just rng, but there has to be a way to earn them right? I’m just wondering because I’m having trouble getting gear upgrades. I’ve been doing delves, but the majority of what I have been getting isn’t an upgrade.
I’m just wondering what I am doing wrong?
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You’re not doing anything wrong. It’s random. I’ve had one drop while I had one unused in my bags on my dk and idk if I’ve ever gotten one on my hunter or spriest. Honestly that’s one thing they could add for season 2 as a last tier unlock for Delve progress and as an item offered by the little murloc homey in the Delve HQ, with maybe a weekly limit available, and for like 10k Undercoins or 7500 and Valorstones, or just increase the drop rate a good bit. That and added crests would mitigate some of the gear plateau Delve exclusive players experience at a certain point.
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Ah, ok. Thanks. It’s just frustrating coming from a game like FF14 where gear is easy to get. Obviously, there’s a grey area. People love the dopamine of random chance. I’m just like you wondering why I can’t buy them with crystals or coins? I can buy the keys. I can earn keys. But I can’t buy the bounties. Even something like you get a scrap of the map from keyed delves. Like x number of scraps make a bounty. I just feel like anything is better than this at this point. Like by game design, I’m going to unsubscribe because of the frustrations of bad gear rng long before I do it from being geared by delving standards and quitting out of boredom.
I think whoever weighs the rewards currently isn’t very good at it.
It’s all time played metric and tredmil with hardly any effort to get me to look the other way about it.
Anyway, thanks for the information. I appreciate it.
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Honestly it’s probably just because Delves are new and they’re working on making them a better experience and trying to find the appropriate place for them to fit in at endgame level. They’re a lot of fun though, and a definite step in the right direction.
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I do like them. They just feel so unrewarding.
Part of the problem is they gear you to 603+ much faster than most other content cuz they guarantee a drop and they’re fairly easy, at least after a bit of tuning, and then you hit a hard plateau where your ilvl inches forward at a painfully slow rate. So what happens is you excel fast early and feel good about rewards but then that stops and burnout can set in after repetition of content.
Yeah, I got burned out on my Warrior getting to 604. I’m 599 at the momnet. I hate this. I’m basically logging in doing as many bountifuls as I can and waiting for my vault. I desperately need gloves and a necklace, and at this point, I’m going to take whatever I can get to make the number go up.
It’s honestly making me resent the game, and I might unsubscribe for a good long while again. Maybe by then they will work out all the kinks. I tried it twice, and I just felt like the progression wasn’t very good.
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Just wanted to add my own experience. When I first started doing T8’s a couple months ago I was getting Delver’s Bounty drops I’d say 1 in 5 bountiful delves on average. Now I’ve gone through over a month averaging 8 T8 Bountiful Delves a week and haven’t seen a single Delver’s Bounty drop.
I don’t run non-bountiful delves since there’s not enough of an incentive to do so (no XP for Brann and nothing worthwhile in the chests), so I have no idea if the drop rate is any better for non-bountiful delves, but I doubt it. It certainly feels like going on 5-6 weeks without a single drop is poor tuning. Once a week felt about right before, so maybe they should just make a Delver’s Bounty map be part of the weekly reward for running a delve?
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