How do I get back to the Warlords of Draenor Intro?

I leveled to 50 in the middle of the intro to WoD and didn’t make it to my garrison. The game ported me to Orgrimmar and removed me from the timewalking campaign and I couldn’t stop it. How do I get back to the intro? I want to establish my garrison.

You may just be able to skip directly to the part where you build the garrison now – Go to the Timeless isle and head to the eastern side of the island near the frogs. There should be a cave underwater near the frog area, with a bunch of chairs around a fire. Right click one of the chairs to sit on it and the fire becomes interactable. Right click the fire, wait as the camera zooms in… and you should end up somewhere in Gorgrond. You’d have to fly to where the garrison is normally established in Frostfire, though.

EDIT: Another option might be to run through the Dark Portal in Blasted Lands again, even if you’ve already disabled/destroyed it as part of the WoD intro.

Wait, is this a troll? I’ve never heard of getting to Gorgrond through the Timeless Isle before.

I was able to take a portal to Warspear in Ashran. I will fly to where the garrison is and see if I can create it.

It’s legit. (3:27 for the actual warp to Draenor.)