How do I get back to the Gilneas starting area?

I used the lost dragon scale to teleport to Stormwind to start the Dragonflight quest line, but I wanted to finish quests still in Gilneas on my Worgen, how do I get back?

Have u tried flying back to gilneas.

Yes its now the “Ruins” and its a different area.

When u open the map do u by any chance see a white chat bubble.

No I don’t see that. :frowning:

I don’t think you can, once you leave the zone/tutorial.


I think there’s technically a way back, but I don’t know if it’s a 100% fix and it requires you to perform a glitch.

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That’s unfortunate, I wish there were some warning of some sort, a quest appeared at level 10 so I used the scale as it asked me to and now I’m in Stormwind. I wouldn’t have used it if I knew that, I assumed I could return. :frowning:

Where is your hearthstone set? If you have not reset it to a different area, you may be able to use it to get back.


It was set to go back there, but it automatically changed by its self to the Trade District. Cause that was my plan to use the stone to go back.

That is dangerously close to being an exploit, not a good recommendation.


There is a a quest I think that sends you back in shadowlands content, but i’m not sure its the same phase as the starter zone was.


That’s the fun part: You don’t.

The moment you leave the Gilneas starting area by any means (whether that’s by summon, teleport [including the dragonscale], or somehow dying in an area the game considers Unknown [which triggers the failsafe that sends your ghost to Westfall], you are instantly considered a fully fledged worgen, given all their racial abilities and cannot be summoned back into the Gilneas starting area.

As for why that is, well… Let’s just say that, back during Cata, ‘human’ worgen didn’t really have a good time, considering they couldn’t queue for LFD, LFR, or Battlegrounds as ‘The Battle for Gilneas hasn’t been decided yet’, even though they were adventuring outside of Gilneas in the open world. (Also, Running Wild in human form just doesn’t look right. ._. ) I believe the ‘escape gilneas, forcibly become worgen’ routine came sometime near the tail end of Cata/start of Mists of Pandaria.

If you want to experience the Gilneas storyline, you’ll have to make a new worgen character and tell Ebonhorn to “put that scale back where it came from or so help me…” when you hit level 10. :stuck_out_tongue:


This worked, pro advice. Thanks so much.