How do i find groups in classic?

im level 18 at the moment and im trying to find a group to do wailing caverns and i have no idea what to do, can somebody help me out?

/join LookingForGroup
/4 “LFG WC”


That’s a start. But it rarely works, and that’s where lazy people will give up. If that doesn’t work after a few postings, start putting your own group together. You will have a much, much better chance of success.

First of all, I wouldn’t even bother to try to get a group at odd hours. Wait until evenings on weekdays when people are getting off work/school. Pretty much all day on weekends is also good.

Type “LFM WC need tank, 2 dps, healer” (or whatever you need). Make a macro for it, so you can just hit the button every few minutes. Keep posting that in LFG channel until you gradually fill the group, changing what you need as you no longer need them.

If after like 30 min., you’re still trying to fill a spot or two (typically tanks are hard to find), do a “/who 18-22” or whatever the appropriate level range is for the dungeon. It will pull up a list of everyone on the server in that level range and show where they are, sort by class. Start nicely whispering people who aren’t already obviously busy in a dungeon or whatever. For example, if you need a tank, start whispering warriors and druids (and pallies if Alliance), “Hello, would you like to tank WC, by chance?” You’d be surprised at how many people will say yes. It works. If they say no, thank them, and move on down the list.

If you do all of the above, you will usually be able to put a group together within 30 min to an hour. But it takes some effort. You can keep questing or whatever while you’re popping your macro.


This and some servers might have a /join World

download “ClassicLFG” addon also. it’s light and great.

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Why can’t I downvote Robokappa?


It’s tough. Not as many people are leveling normally anymore and are instead buying or getting boosts from guildies/friends.

Also what Mini said. Join the LFG channel and you’ll eventually get a group. Just might take a bit.

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It probably depends on the server, and your personal attitude, but

…is excellent advice.

It’s pretty easy to form groups on the handful of realms I play on, from my experience.

The only way to get a dungeon group anymore is to advertise in lfg yourself and whisper people in your zone. Hopefully they’re not all bots.

Sadly, even Classic WoW is mostly a single-player game until you hit 57-60 - especially at this point in the life-cycle of the game. You will have to make an effort to put together dungeon groups before then, or join a friendly leveling guild of some sort.


It can be. Of the handful of level 60s I have, I leveled some solely through dungeons.

It was a little harder as a DPS-only class than as a Healer for example to find groups. I found it easiest as a healer, and not much different between tank and DPS to find dungeon groups so far on the factions and realms I’ve leveling on.

First off, /join LookingForGroup. It is THE defacto in game channel for searching for groups and pretty much where all LFG messages will pop up.

Second, while I don’t recommend getting some sort of automated LFG addon, I DO recommend getting something like Puggle. Puggle is just an addon that clips LFG message you’re exposed to into a convenient window so that you don’t constantly have to monitor the chat.

Third: It’s a lot easier to start a group than to try and find an existing one to join. You’ll get more bites saying LFM WC than LFG WC because people are fundamentally lazy and don’t want to be the ones actually doing the work to start a dungeon group.

Fourth: Despite DPS being needed in larger numbers than both tanks and healers, tanks are REALLY hard to find these days because so few warriors are willing to do so despite their large numbers. If you play a warrior or druid willing to tank, you can find groups INSTANTLY. Healers are also fairly uncommon, but not to the same extent as tanks.

If you’re a dps/heals keep your eyes on lfg. Announce what you’re looking for in lfg once in a while. If tank go LFM and what you need. Even if new tank ( just state this to lfg or grp) you’ll get bites. Even now in every role I find groups early, mid and in later levels.

Not at launch. It was MMO nirvana back then with people everywhere and plentiful groups. :cold_sweat:

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get ready to fill your ignore list with dozens and dozens of boosters and buffers

then you can use lfg chat

I picked what i thought to be a good high pop server but finding a group for anything pre 60 is near impossible a times

add those you do group with to friends

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I have horde toons on low and high pop servers. Mankrik and aitish. Low pop seems better for levelers.

is this is serious

tank once you will get harras to for ever dude i still get people htat wisper because i did ubrs 6month ago

…yeah, if you ignore the tons and tons of group quests and leveling dungeons.


This happens a lot.

There are virtually no people doing low level content anywhere in Classic. There are: lots of individual, ungrouped people who are going to have a hard time finding other, individual ungrouped people because they play at different times of day and are in different zones from one another.

It’s extremely hard to find a group for SFK or WC, for examples. Because the bulk majority of the playerbase is just boosting their alts with Mages in private dungeons, or leveling Mages themselves. I’ve done some /who on multiple servers at peak hours and seen like, less than 3 people in places like Silverpine, Mulgore, Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Westfall, Wetlands (harder to gauge since both factions go here), places you’d expect to find dozens of low level players participating in content or questing. But then you do /who Maraudon or /who Scarlet or even /who Ragefire, and the list surpasses 50 even at the dead of night.

The collective mindset of players has changed to rush to 60 instead of having fun with the game. You are perfectly capable of finding a group for WC but it’s going to be hard and it’s not going to be very easy day-after-day. The chances are just so low.