How Do I Counter Arms?

I keep running into Arms warrior with every healer imaginable and they just never die, I even try going their healers but as soon as I go to their healers mine is at 30% and struggling to survive. Every time I try to peel they just hamstring charge and can never get them off, what should I be doing to stop these monsters?

Warrior struggles really hard with being Kited. Look out for our war breaker or Colossus smash, its best to root or stun us during that effect. Outside of major CDs we aren’t nearly as dangerous.

Once we’ve used leap and charge we are basically turtles waddling around.

That’s the best I got for you for now. Good luck my friend.


I tried my best to peel for my healer but it just seems I can never get him to slow down since he has charge, stormbolt, bladestorm, and heroic leap. I tried but it all seems so futile and it isn’t like I can make him retreat from my damage cause he had D-Stance and Ignore Pain.

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use your legs my man


Swap your defensives and CC correctly. You can out range and LoS a warrior as a DH. For example if he charge>warbreaker then retreat dash around a pylon till no debuff. If he avatars then imprison or blur. Only way you can peal for your heals is darkness and slows while you dish out your own pressure. Also run the darkness lego. Rinse repeat.

That sums it up as far as our weak spots, however a good arms warrior will save charge/leap/fear/bolt for when you are weakest

Maybe warrior is just a hard counter to dh, I don’t have too much experience only got to about 1400 in 2a

Kite arms by LOS and slow. Tell your healer to LOS arms as much as they can and also using boost move speed abilities to run LOS, while you put as much pressure on their healer. When the war switch to you, tell your healer to dps or CC and stay offensive. Don’t group up.
Arms has sharpen blade and Colo/WB to pressure healer very hard, so watch out when you see they WB/Colo into sharpen. For kyrian war, watch out spear. For venthyr, most wars will go with death sentence and extremely mobile everytime your team over 80% or below 35% hp.

Problem with the warriors isn’t them going me, I can out run them, but my healer can’t get away from them.

Warriors are actually one of the most easiest classes to kite. After a Charge and Heroic Leap, they will basically be walking for the next 20 seconds and that’s a lot of time in Arenas.

If your healer isn’t geared enough than the Warrior is going to hit like a truck, so the only concern with Warriors is Melee, stay out of Melee range and the Warrior wont be doing any damage. If they have Death Sentence than it will surely mix things up however that’s a RNG. I suggest your healer look at some tactics.

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What healer you normally run with?

DH should be training their healer like 90% of the time in 2v2. You can deal just as much pressure as war.

Sounds like the issue is your healer imo, they might be positioning bad or blowing CDs when they’re sharpened. Hard to tell from your post, just banish, stun, and dark when ava is up. The rest is on your heal to utilize those moments efficiently

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nothing “counters” warrior atm, literally zero weaknessess.

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As a disc priest at 1850ish rating when I die to a solo warrior it’s because I messed up or they’re really good/geared. If warrior is just popping your heals they might need to mix things up a bit.

Though I’m also 221 ilvl and disc priest. I dont think ms effects shields and I just rapture their ms goes and mind blast/mind games for the damage reduction. I make sure to juke out the interrupt early too. If you wait to start juking until you’re low then it’s too late.

Warriors are OP bro, they don’t want to admit it. I have 1 and I can pretty much crush anyone equal I-level besides a good Druid/hunter. I have so many gap closers, a stun, immunity to stun/fear, reduced damage. Warriors have an answer to pretty much anything, the problem is they do way too much damage in a short window, you can’t help but be on the defensive immediately after they get to you and its down hill from there. If they have a healer . . . lul

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This is so true, an equally gear melee vs warrior is good game. I melt another melee classes

Warriors are one of the least mobile classes in the game. 45s cooldown on heroic leap and 20s on charge. If your healer can kite and you can train to put up some pressure, we go down easy. Literally use slows anytime you can and let them burn Leap and Charge. That’s how I die anyways.

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Vengeful retreat on the warrior to slow him down, and fel rush behind a pillar.

If the warrior charges you or heroic leaps then stun and continue to kite until his debuff or buff wears off and go back to attacking him.

Biggest shut down is kiting and disarming if you do 3s and have another warrior or rogue as an ally.

But with your kit, slow him, kite, and blade dance if he chargers to avoid initial damage for 1 second ( unless they removed that ).

Warriors have slows and stuns too, so when I’m on you GL getting away for most classes and I’m doing massive dmg immediately. Like I said most classes are on the defensive immediately and im straight offense, me and a healer its mostly gg, just saying no hate. Fury heals and dmg is amazing.

you necrod a thread from 2021 that was talking about arms to then say how fury is good right now.


Fury mains are special man

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