How do I check my trust levels?

Don’t make anyone mad if you want to maintain it!

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Congrats on trust level 3! I just found out about it thanks to this thread lol

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Some people were worried I was getting rid of it permanently. Nah. I just like to change it up every so often. Helps keep things interesting.

I feel obligated to change my mog now.

Shadowlands, I will be able to take things to the next level because of the new hairstyles and extra custom options.

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How do you know how close you are or what to do to get to 3?

you don’t as of now

I will never have level 3
And I accept that.

Some sites and images just don’t play well with the forums, so you need to find alternate sources sometimes.

I really really want to become a white worgen but the brown and black looks more friendly for my mog.


Just be sure to stay active, or you will lose your 3, and drop back to a 2. You basically need to visit everyday, and scroll through posts.

It’s really quite dumb.

There is a guideline here on what you need to do to reach certain trust levels,

Oh no! I am only on Tuesday threw Saturday, does this mean I won’t be able to post gifs next week? Or can I earn it back?

No you don’t actually need to be on everyday, but it is something like 50 out of the last 100 or something. If you can use the phone app, that will count.

I stopped posting with this guy for a week or so and seemed to drop back to 2. It is easy to get back as well, so even if, like me you wake up and cant post GIFs, you’ll get it back pretty quickly. The fact you reached 3 means you should be fine.

I was like you then I was on house arrest for 5 months.

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Honestly I don’t know how I got it, but I do. Idk what it even does or how to posts gifs or links or any of that stuff

The requirements are weird, but even if you drop down to TL2 you can always get back to TL3. And if you’ve made it to TL3 once, then continuing to do the same amount of foruming will get you back there.

Thanks for the info.

i’ve lost tl3 two times now, both were forum silences, with last time being in February, still haven’t earned it back

for trust level 0 (on my other alts) the trust level isn’t shown on their summary page

it’s easy to confuse trust levels since even levels 1-2 can post wowhead, youtube, and forum links:

It seems to lot longer to get it back when you lose it, than when you get it initially.

It did for me anyway, felt like an eternity went by before I could do my forum thing again.