How do I block a user on the forums now?

I haven’t felt the need to block someone on the forums since WoD. The forums got a whole re-do. How does it work now?

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You can’t.

You can mute threads. Not people.

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What? That’s ridiculous. I wish to still engage with the thread, not the person. What kind of forum doesn’t have a block feature?


Just ignore the person then and don’t respond to their posts. If their behavior is akin to consistent trolling or harassment, flag them. If they’re just saying things you don’t like then it’s probably not reason enough to eradicate everything they’ve ever said from your browser.


I have been ignoring them, and flagging them. But I’d prefer to not see their trolling on threads I wish to engage at all. They’re a forum troll. and blizzard is slow to take action against them. So I have no interest in anything they have to say. I could’ve sworn someone mentioned blocking on these forums a few months ago.


Do I need your or someone else’s approval for it to be reason enough?

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Seriously, you do it the old fashioned way. You actively skip over their posts without reading them.


I don’t understand this question. I’m not a member of the forum team nor am I actively preventing you from having a block feature. I’m just reporting the fact that it quite literally does not exist.

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It’s a forum, I’d think being able to ignore people would ruin plenty of discussions because there are plenty of childish people looking for an echochamber and not an actual discussion so they block anyone who disagrees with them.


What constitutes reason enough? Honestly it’s pretty absurd that I can’t ignore people regardless of whatever reason I choose.

Well that’s on them then. The old forum had an ignore function and it didn’t hurt anything.

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Because it’s antithetical to having actual discussions. Trolls are to be flagged and reported. People who disagree with you have to be tolerated. I’m presuming this is the reason for the block feature’s removal. I don’t typically comment on its return by taking a pro or con stance, but I can definitely sympathize with the team’s position if this is indeed the case.

They want this forum to actually have constructive discussion whenever possible. A series of echochambers where everyone ignores everyone else they don’t like is just a toxic mess. And that’s the forum team’s call to make.


Like I said. I’ve rarely ever blocked people. I may have blocked 3 people in total in the old forums. And this is my first time in the new forums I’ve had a desire to block someone. They’re a troll. They do not provide a constructive discussion.

It would be absurd if you were truly incapable of ignoring people. But you can in fact ignore them the way humans have always ignored each other. Don’t look at them. Don’t react to them. Pretend they don’t exist.

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There’s something in your profile settings to mute a person, but it looks like that only prevents you getting notifications from that person, and it’s not any sort of actual ignore.

They said a while back that they were looking into adding features to the new forum, ignore likely being one of them, but it’s not come to pass as yet.

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It’s a very common feature. I’m guessing that there were some other features they prioritized higher.

If they’re actually an unproductive troll then then just consistently keep flagging them and don’t engage otherwise. Don’t even tell them that you’re flagging them. Enough flagging reports triggers moderator attention, and these guys do get banned/suspended. I see it happen all the time. But that doesn’t mean you have to give them any more attention, nor does it mean that the block feature is necessarily healthy for this forum to have.

Because if the forum software they purchased from a third party doesn’t have the feature, there’s no way Blizzard can add it. If the feature exists and Blizzard simply chooses not to enable it…

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The problem seems to be with the people who make the forum software having a feeling that there aren’t bad actors on the internet so they coded up a mess of a system that works great for their idealized view of humanity but not so great here in reality.


A very friggin long time ago. Being able to block anonymous trolls on the internet should be a given, not a year-long work in progress on a feature that should have obviously been in it at launch.