How do i Avoid "Convoke the Spirits" as a Warrior?

Does this count?

Well, so back to the post subject matter:

2v2 scenario, i am a medium geared and medium skilled Warrior, how do i survive Convoke the Spirits from Druids, not forgeting he’s not alone, so he’s probably have interrupt imunity from a Hpaly or another bursty partner, lets say a R-Pally, Monk or sub-rogue.

As a Warrior:
if i charge, i die while charging.
If i throw Storm bolt, the projectile is too slow and i die while it travels towards the druid.
If i pop all my defensives agains’t it, i die afterwards from the his partner burst or anything else.
IF i spell reflect, i’ll 90% reflect a moonfire or Wrath and then i’ll die.

Also, if its not me who’s die in seconds, its is my partner, then will have to manage to 1v2.

From all answers above, all i see is the same things that not work very well. So there is no 100% garanteed way to counter it?

to your edit you could always switch to 3s or just get gud? or player a better class lol.

spell reflect or storm bolt or challenging shout or pommel

That is really unfortunate :frowning:

From a blue post 20 min ago.

Yay, i guess?

As a druid I could go on about how hard it is to even get a full off in the first place, it even goes as far as some classes simply waiting until I attack first before they even do anything so they can lock me down.

Like in 2v2 if I come across a rogue or another druid we will simply wait in stealth for someone else to make the first move and you just need to hope in a 1v1 situation your partner can survive on their own.

The problem a druid faces though is that it is a 4 second cast time, we need to get the full cast off for it to be useful. I went against a ret paladin the other day and got wrecked, checked my damage logs and took 30K damage in 0.9 seconds.

Other classes can get massive damage off just as fast, if not faster than a full convoke cast. Yet because most druids in arena are balance coming out of stealth and time it so they can cast while you are distracted. That’s the main issue, while you are in the middle of a fight watching who you are fighting and bamn balance convoke that you did not notice, all you need to do is save your dash or jump, an interrupt or a stun and the druid is useless.

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What about the other 15 spells that aren’t reflected?

20 yrds compared to 45 yrds plus slow travel time.

4s taunt does what exactly? Or do you mean Rallying Cry?
Either way you are close to or already dead

Need to close 45 yrds distance first during the flurry of casts.

Woot, now you only get hit by 4-5 Starsurges instead!

That’s fair, but considering Druids stealth you can basically wait that out as long as you want whereas none stealth classes (and even Hunters and Mages who have durations to their invisi/camo) are forced to be vulnerable to your opener.

You’re reflecting to early. Any good moonkin is going to moonfire you first, Convoke won’t cast moonfire if it’s already up.

When you see them channeling convoke, and pop spell reflect, most of the time I’m seeing Moonfire reflected. It’s too RNG to be able to get the right spell reflected.

Again, TOO early. Even if you’re waiting for convoke, if you reflected moonfire then the druid was dumb and didnt put it on you beforehand. This means his first spell WILL be moonfire. Every time.

You lost to a dumb boomkin.

You sit on the balance druid. I cant really think of a higher priority target, but I’m no pvp god.

Or a smart boomkin watching the warriors CD’s. Sunfire and if the warrior still has spell reflect on CD, throw a wrath or something, they may panic and use spell reflect on the wrong spell, than you convoke.

You gotta try coax the enemies to use the right CD’s and trinkets before popping convoke to ensure you have free reign of convoke.

Nope, he specifically stated he didnt spell reflect until convoke started, THEN it reflected moonfire.

So how does she get it to pick the right spell out of 4 spells per second?

Best bet is just to wait for it to be nerfed, as it stands, its way too strong. Plenty of mouthbreathers will sit here and say its fine, but it isn’t. Even at 30% vrs, its still gonna destroy you. The fact you have to focus them in ANY situation only further proves how broken they are. Not to mention they are druids on top of that, who are notorious for being broken in any pvp setting anyway because of the amount of utility they already have.

You don’t. You wait half a second then use it, and the weak spells will have already gone off. You’ll reflect a star surge or wrath. Either one could be the death blow.

I’ll try that, but at that point it’s too late for either me or my teammates.

Convoke is dumb, anyone defending it is a druid themselves :joy:

Can’t wait for the tears when convoke gets nerfed, combustion gets nerfed and pally heals gets nerfed. But it’ll be a very good day when that happens.

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Anyone who thinks Convoke is fine is either high, or desperately trying to avoid the nerf hammer.

Imagine giving one of the highest burst spells, if not the highest, to a class with 45 yards range on their spells.
