Do I have to go to chromie with my low level toon to timewalk? I do have a level 65 btw. Or do I follow a quest line with my 65?
Have at least 1 level 60, subsequent characters can find chromie in orgrimmar or stormwind (hourglass icon on map) it should be available between level 10-60 or 61.
Chromie time is awful with older expansions because of scaling and bugs. I recommend sticking with BFA → DF
Chromie is outside of the Embassy buildings marked with a hourglass.
It’s available only to level 59 until next patch then it will turn to 61.
Past 60, chromie time isn’t really a thing; you can still go back and do old content but it will scale to that expansion’s cap as opposed to your level.
Depends on how efficient a player wants to be and if you’re looking to just level fast or have a more pleasant experience, but if you do the right mix of zones and Chromie expansions you can get to 60 in no time, especially with the exp boost. Silver pine and Redridge alone, plus the WOD intro, are an insane amount of exp.
You can’t activate Chromie Time on a 64 it is too high level.
Are you trying to do timewalking dungeons for a timewalking event or to do Chromie Time for leveling?
Chromie Time isn’t accessible past level 59.
Timewalking dungeons for the event are only accessible if you’re over ilvl 174, and then you just queue from group finder.
ik, just wondering how to activate it for my other toons
Just talk to Chromie outside your respective faction embassy on any alts. She has an hourglass icon on your map.
Yeah, any character that is level 1 - 59 can talk to Chromie in SW or Org and activate it.