Mini steaks we call em~
Because they are all affected by the same curse of flesh. There is no evolution there, it is a curse that turns stone into corrupted old gods stuff (aka meat). If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense for corrupted creatures to spawn more corrupted creatures through crazy carnal rituals of pleasure and madness.
And they probably can. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you would want it. A gnome female would probably not have a very good time with male tauren, and female tauren probably don’t see gnomes as being very “sexy”
Like a corrupted old gods spawn like all of us. Probably a very ugly and very hairy medium sized humanoid.
Because they are very similar in appearance and are very much attracted sexually by each other.
Because male orcs don’t really care if the female dranae are interested. Oger and orc is also a common combination. It is sad that they don’t have unique models though.
Due to the orc nature it is very likely that there are much more “orc hibrids” out there, but the story haven’t focused much on that. Orc human and orc blood elves are extremely likely due to their history.
Female gnomes probably have a very hard time with anyone who is not another gnome. And male gnomes are also not known for their sexual prowess. However there might be something interesting to be had with goblins and vulpera. There is a goblin gnome couple living in Boralus, and they make it very clear that their relationship is not something well accepted.
There are many creatures surrounding the night elves that might be good candidates for hibrid origin. Driads, for example are very likely to have centaur origins. However Tauren might have the same issue as gnomes, it is very likely that only female taurens can handle a male tauren, and it is very possible that female tauren are extremely uninterested in anything that is not a male tauren. However it is likely that there is a hibrid outthere somewhere.
This is also very likely to be a thing
There is also the possibility that some combinations just don’t generate viable offspring. The end result is so twisted that it doesn’t survive.
Poor Rexxar and his whole clan being forgotten by the OP. Half orc Half ogre don’t count in the OP’s eyes.
People keep saying this but has no one yet envisioned giant horned gnomes?
Othello Act 1, Scene 1: 130
Tossing insults now?
Sure is not.
Your logic, not mine.
I mean if we are using dracthyr models as half elves, then in your logic, half elves has scales and in their true form (visage is a magical illusion form btw) they turn into lizard things too.
Blizzard had done far worse in the past. Like giving void elves blood elf customization options, or messing up on nightborn models.
Edit: I just want to add in here; do you consider death wings visage form to be the representation of humans with that “iron titan” jaw on that model?
As a half elf this question makes me uncomfortable.
it’s where White Castle sliders come from
The same way we have ligers op.
I think the void clouded your mind too much if you think you look even remotely like a half elf.
For a story I needed a Blood Elf/Human child. I just took one of the human children models, made some slight facial adjustments, and tiny elf ears. I think she came out ok. She’s supposed to be the offspring of this character and a darker haired human.
half-elves are very common in fantasy lore, Elrond of LOTR being the most notable, that kind of started the half-elf trend imo.
The birth rate is probably lower, but who wouldn’t want lots of practice to make it happen?
I’ve seen some things on reddit.
Easy answer. There is enough magic tampering for each race on Azeroth that even the old gods can’t make sense of it anymore.
“Life, uh…finds a way.”
Dunno, but I bet its a blast…!